1219 lines
44 KiB
1219 lines
44 KiB
%%% File : mod_webpresence.erl
%%% Author : Igor Goryachev <igor@goryachev.org>, Badlop, runcom <antonio.murdaca@gmail.com>
%%% Purpose : Allow user to show presence in the web
%%% Created : 30 Apr 2006 by Igor Goryachev <igor@goryachev.org>
%%% Id : $Id: mod_webpresence.erl 1083 2010-06-01 18:32:55Z badlop $
%% API
web_menu_host/3, web_page_host/3,
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-record(webpresence, {us, ridurl = false, jidurl = false, xml = false, avatar = false, js = false, text = false, icon = "---"}).
-record(state, {host, server_host, base_url, access}).
-record(presence, {resource, show, priority, status}).
%% Copied from ejabberd_sm.erl
-record(session, {sid, usr, us, priority, info}).
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_webpresence).
-define(PIXMAPS_DIR, <<"pixmaps">>).
-define(AUTO_ACL, webpresence_auto).
%% API
%% Function: start_link() -> {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error}
%% Description: Starts the server
start_link(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [Host, Opts], []).
start(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
ChildSpec = {Proc, {?MODULE, start_link, [Host, Opts]},
temporary, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]},
Default_dir = case code:priv_dir(ejabberd) of
{error, _} -> ?PIXMAPS_DIR;
Path -> filename:join([Path, ?PIXMAPS_DIR])
Dir = gen_mod:get_opt(pixmaps_path, Opts, fun(D) -> D end, Default_dir),
catch ets:new(pixmaps_dirs, [named_table, public]),
ets:insert(pixmaps_dirs, {directory, Dir}),
supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec).
stop(Host) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
gen_server:call(Proc, stop),
supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc),
supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_sup, Proc).
%% gen_server callbacks
%% Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} |
%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
%% ignore |
%% {stop, Reason}
%% Description: Initiates the server
init([Host, Opts]) ->
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, webpresence)}]),
mnesia:add_table_index(webpresence, ridurl),
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt_host(Host, Opts, <<"webpresence.@HOST@">>),
Access = gen_mod:get_opt(access, Opts, fun(O) -> O end, local),
Port = gen_mod:get_opt(port, Opts, fun(O) -> O end, 5280),
Path = gen_mod:get_opt(path, Opts, fun(O) -> O end, <<"presence">>),
BaseURL1 = gen_mod:get_opt(baseurl, Opts, fun(O) -> O end,
iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(<<"http://~s:~p/~s/">>, [Host, Port, Path]))),
BaseURL2 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(BaseURL1, <<"@HOST@">>, Host),
ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_menu_host, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_page_host, 50),
{ok, #state{host = MyHost,
server_host = Host,
base_url = BaseURL2,
access = Access}}.
%% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
%% {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} |
%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling call messages
handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
{stop, normal, ok, State}.
%% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling cast messages
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
handle_info({route, From, To, Packet},
#state{host = Host,
server_host = ServerHost,
base_url = BaseURL,
access = Access} = State) ->
case catch do_route(Host, ServerHost, Access, From, To, Packet, BaseURL) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]);
_ ->
{noreply, State};
handle_info({tell_baseurl, Pid},
#state{base_url = BaseURL} = State) ->
Pid ! {baseurl_is, BaseURL},
{noreply, State};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void()
%% Description: This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to
%% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary
%% cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason.
%% The return value is ignored.
terminate(_Reason, #state{host = Host}) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_menu_host, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_page_host, 50),
%% Func: code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%%% Internal functions
do_route(Host, ServerHost, Access, From, To, Packet, BaseURL) ->
case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, Access, From) of
allow ->
do_route1(Host, From, To, Packet, BaseURL);
_ ->
#xmlel{attrs = Attrs} = Packet,
Lang = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"xml:lang">>, Attrs),
ErrText = <<"Access denied by service policy">>,
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, ErrText)),
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err)
do_route1(Host, From, To, Packet, BaseURL) ->
#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs} = Packet,
case Name of
<<"iq">> -> do_route1_iq(Host, From, To, Packet, BaseURL, jlib:iq_query_info(Packet));
_ -> case fxml:get_attr_s(<<"type">>, Attrs) of
<<"error">> -> ok;
<<"result">> -> ok;
_ -> Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND),
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err)
do_route1_iq(_, From, To, _, _,
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
SubEl = #xmlel{
name = <<"query">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_DISCO_INFO}],
children = iq_disco_info(Lang)
Res = IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [SubEl]},
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(Res));
do_route1_iq(_, _, _, _, _,
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}) ->
do_route1_iq(Host, From, To, _, _,
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_REGISTER, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
SubEl = #xmlel{
name = <<"query">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_DISCO_INFO}],
children = iq_get_register_info(Host, From, Lang)
Res = IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [SubEl]},
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(Res));
do_route1_iq(Host, From, To, Packet, BaseURL,
#iq{type = set, xmlns = ?NS_REGISTER, lang = Lang, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) ->
case process_iq_register_set(From, SubEl, Host, BaseURL, Lang) of
{result, IQRes} ->
SubEl2 = #xmlel{
name = <<"query">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_REGISTER}],
children = IQRes
Res = IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [SubEl2]},
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(Res));
{error, Error} ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, Error),
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err)
do_route1_iq(_Host, From, To, _, _,
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD = XMLNS} = IQ) ->
SubEl = #xmlel{
name = <<"vCard">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, XMLNS}],
children = iq_get_vcard()
Res = IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [SubEl]},
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(Res));
do_route1_iq(_Host, From, To, Packet, _, #iq{}) ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED),
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
do_route1_iq(_, _, _, _, _, _) ->
iq_disco_info(Lang) ->
name = <<"identity">>,
attrs = [{<<"category">>, <<"component">>},
{<<"type">>, <<"presence">>},
{<<"name">>, ?T(<<"Web Presence">>)}],
children = []
name = <<"feature">>,
attrs = [{<<"var">>, ?NS_REGISTER}],
children = []
name = <<"feature">>,
attrs = [{<<"var">>, ?NS_VCARD}],
children = []
-define(XFIELDS(Type, Label, Var, Vals),
name = <<"field">>,
attrs = [
{<<"type">>, Type},
{<<"label">>, ?T(Label)},
{<<"var">>, Var}
children = Vals
-define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Val),
?XFIELDS(Type, Label, Var,
name = <<"value">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, Val}]
name = <<"field">>,
attrs = [{<<"type">>, <<"fixed">>}],
children = [
name = <<"value">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, Val}]
-define(ATOM2BINARY(Val), iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Val))).
-define(BC(L), iolist_to_binary(L)).
ridurl_out(false) -> <<"false">>;
ridurl_out(Id) when is_binary(Id) -> <<"true">>.
to_bool(<<"false">>) -> false;
to_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
to_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
to_bool(<<"1">>) -> true.
get_pr(LUS) ->
case catch mnesia:dirty_read(webpresence, LUS) of
[#webpresence{jidurl = J, ridurl = H, xml = X, avatar = A, js = S, text = T, icon = I}] ->
{J, H, X, A, S, T, I, true};
_ ->
{true, false, false, false, false, false, <<"---">>, false}
get_pr_rid(LUS) ->
{_, H, _, _, _, _, _, _} = get_pr(LUS),
iq_get_register_info(_Host, From, Lang) ->
{LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(From),
LUS = {LUser, LServer},
{JidUrl, RidUrl, XML, Avatar, JS, Text, Icon, Registered} = get_pr(LUS),
RegisteredXML = case Registered of
true -> [#xmlel{name = <<"registered">>, attrs = [], children = []}];
false -> []
RegisteredXML ++
name = <<"instructions">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, ?T(<<"You need an x:data capable client to register presence">>)}]
name = <<"x">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_XDATA}],
children = [
name = <<"title">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, ?T(<<"Web Presence">>)}]
name = <<"instructions">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, ?T(<<"What features do you want to enable?">>)}]
?XFIELDFIXED(?BC([?T(<<"URL Type">>), <<". ">>, ?T(<<"Select one at least">>)])),
?XFIELD(<<"boolean">>, <<"Jabber ID">>, <<"jidurl">>, ?ATOM2BINARY(JidUrl)),
?XFIELD(<<"boolean">>, <<"Random ID">>, <<"ridurl">>, ridurl_out(RidUrl)),
?XFIELDFIXED(?BC([?T(<<"Output Type">>), <<". ">>, ?T(<<"Select one at least">>)])),
?XFIELDS(<<"list-single">>, ?T(<<"Icon Theme">>), <<"icon">>,
name = <<"value">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, Icon}]
name = <<"option">>,
attrs = [{<<"label">>, <<"---">>}],
children = [
name = <<"value">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, <<"---">>}]
] ++ available_themes(xdata)
?XFIELD(<<"boolean">>, <<"XML">>, <<"xml">>, ?ATOM2BINARY(XML)),
?XFIELD(<<"boolean">>, <<"JavaScript">>, <<"js">>, ?ATOM2BINARY(JS)),
?XFIELD(<<"boolean">>, <<"Text">>, <<"text">>, ?ATOM2BINARY(Text)),
?XFIELD(<<"boolean">>, <<"Avatar">>, <<"avatar">>, ?ATOM2BINARY(Avatar))
%%%% TODO: Check if remote users are allowed to reach here: they should not be allowed
iq_set_register_info(From, {Host, JidUrl, RidUrl, XML, Avatar, JS, Text, Icon, _, Lang} = Opts) ->
{LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(From),
LUS = {LUser, LServer},
Check_URLTypes = (JidUrl == true) or (RidUrl =/= false),
Check_OutputTypes = (XML == true) or (Avatar == true) or (JS == true) or (Text == true) or (Icon =/= <<"---">>),
case Check_URLTypes and Check_OutputTypes of
true -> iq_set_register_info2(From, LUS, Opts);
false -> unregister_webpresence(From, Host, Lang)
iq_set_register_info2(From, LUS, {Host, JidUrl, RidUrl, XML, Avatar, JS, Text, Icon, BaseURL, Lang}) ->
RidUrl2 = get_rid_final_value(RidUrl, LUS),
WP = #webpresence{us = LUS,
jidurl = JidUrl,
ridurl = RidUrl2,
xml = XML,
avatar = Avatar,
js = JS,
text = Text,
icon = Icon},
F = fun() -> mnesia:write(WP) end,
case mnesia:transaction(F) of
{atomic, ok} ->
send_message_registered(WP, From, Host, BaseURL, Lang),
{result, []};
_ ->
get_rid_final_value(false, _) -> false;
get_rid_final_value(true, {U, S} = LUS) ->
case get_pr_rid(LUS) of
false ->
iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(erlang:phash2(U) * erlang:phash2(S)
* calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
++ randoms:get_string());
H when is_binary(H) ->
send_message_registered(WP, To, Host, BaseURL, Lang) ->
{User, Server} = WP#webpresence.us,
JID = jlib:make_jid(User, Server, <<"">>),
JIDS = jlib:jid_to_string(JID),
Oavatar = case WP#webpresence.avatar of
false -> <<"">>;
true -> <<" avatar\n"
" avatar/my.png\n">>
Ojs = case WP#webpresence.js of
false -> <<"">>;
true -> <<" js\n">>
Otext = case WP#webpresence.text of
false -> <<"">>;
true -> ?BC([
<<" text\n"
" text/res/<">>, ?T(<<"Resource">>), <<">\n">>
Oimage = case WP#webpresence.icon of
<<"---">> -> "";
I when is_binary(I) ->
<<" image\n"
" image/example.php\n"
" image/mypresence.png\n"
" image/res/<">>, ?T(<<"Resource">>), <<">\n"
" image/theme/<">>, ?T(<<"Icon Theme">>), <<">\n"
" image/theme/<">>, ?T(<<"Icon Theme">>), <<">/res/<">>, ?T(<<"Resource">>), <<">\n">>
Oxml = case WP#webpresence.xml of
false -> <<"">>;
true -> <<" xml\n">>
Allowed_type = case {Oimage, Oxml, Oavatar, Otext, Ojs} of
{<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, _} -> <<"js">>;
{<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, _, _} -> <<"text">>;
{<<"">>, <<"">>, _, _, _} -> <<"avatar">>;
{<<"">>, _, _, _, _} -> <<"xml">>;
{_, _, _, _, _} -> <<"image">>
{USERID_jid, Example_jid} = case WP#webpresence.jidurl of
false -> {<<"">>, <<"">>};
true ->
JIDT = ?BC([<<"jid/">>, User, <<"/">>, Server]),
{?BC([<<" ">>, JIDT, <<"\n">>]),
?BC([<<" ">>, BaseURL, JIDT, <<"/">>, Allowed_type, <<"/\n">>])}
{USERID_rid, Example_rid, Text_rid} = case WP#webpresence.ridurl of
false -> {<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>};
RID when is_binary(RID) ->
RIDT = ?BC([<<"rid/">>, RID]),
{?BC([<<" ">>, RIDT, <<"\n">>]),
?BC([<<" ">>, BaseURL, RIDT, <<"/">>, Allowed_type, <<"/\n">>]),
?BC([?T(<<"If you forget your RandomID, register again to receive this message.">>), <<"\n">>,
?T(<<"To get a new RandomID, disable the option and register again.">>), <<"\n">>])
Subject = ?BC([?T(<<"Web Presence">>), <<": ">>, ?T(<<"registered">>)]),
Body = ?BC([?T(<<"You have registered:">>), <<" ">>, JIDS, <<"\n\n">>,
?T(<<"Use URLs like:">>), <<"\n">>,
<<" ">>, BaseURL, <<"USERID/OUTPUT/\n">>,
<<"USERID:\n">>, USERID_jid, USERID_rid, <<"\n">>,
<<"OUTPUT:\n">>, Oimage, Oxml, Ojs, Otext, Oavatar, <<"\n">>,
?T(<<"Example:">>), <<"\n">>, Example_jid, Example_rid, <<"\n">>,
send_headline(Host, To, Subject, Body).
send_message_unregistered(To, Host, Lang) ->
Subject = ?BC([?T(<<"Web Presence">>), <<": ">>, ?T(<<"unregistered">>)]),
Body = ?BC([?T(<<"You have unregistered.">>), <<"\n\n">>]),
send_headline(Host, To, Subject, Body).
send_headline(Host, To, Subject, Body) ->
jlib:make_jid(<<"">>, Host, <<"">>),
name = <<"message">>,
attrs = [{<<"type">>, <<"headline">>}],
children = [
name = <<"subject">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, Subject}]
name = <<"body">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, Body}]
get_attr(Attr, XData, Default) ->
case lists:keysearch(Attr, 1, XData) of
{value, {_, [Value]}} -> Value;
false -> Default
process_iq_register_set(From, SubEl, Host, BaseURL, Lang) ->
#xmlel{name = _, attrs = _, children = Els} = SubEl,
case fxml:get_subtag(SubEl, <<"remove">>) of
false -> case catch process_iq_register_set2(From, Els, Host, BaseURL, Lang) of
{'EXIT', _} -> {error, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST};
R -> R
_ -> unregister_webpresence(From, Host, Lang)
process_iq_register_set2(From, Els, Host, BaseURL, Lang) ->
name = <<"x">>,
attrs = _Attrs1,
children = _Els1
} = XEl
] = fxml:remove_cdata(Els),
case {fxml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, XEl), fxml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"type">>, XEl)} of
{?NS_XDATA, <<"cancel">>} ->
{result, []};
{?NS_XDATA, <<"submit">>} ->
XData = jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XEl),
false = (invalid == XData),
JidUrl = get_attr(<<"jidurl">>, XData, <<"false">>),
RidUrl = get_attr(<<"ridurl">>, XData, <<"false">>),
XML = get_attr(<<"xml">>, XData, <<"false">>),
Avatar = get_attr(<<"avatar">>, XData, <<"false">>),
JS = get_attr(<<"js">>, XData, <<"false">>),
Text = get_attr(<<"text">>, XData, <<"false">>),
Icon = get_attr(<<"icon">>, XData, <<"---">>),
iq_set_register_info(From, {Host, to_bool(JidUrl), to_bool(RidUrl), to_bool(XML), to_bool(Avatar), to_bool(JS), to_bool(Text), Icon, BaseURL, Lang})
unregister_webpresence(From, Host, Lang) ->
{LUser, LServer, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(From),
remove_user(LUser, LServer),
send_message_unregistered(From, Host, Lang),
{result, []}.
remove_user(User, Server) ->
mnesia:dirty_delete(webpresence, {User, Server}).
iq_get_vcard() ->
name = <<"FN">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, <<"ejabberd/mod_webpresence">>}]
name = <<"URL">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, <<"http://www.ejabberd.im/mod_webpresence">>}]
name = <<"DESC">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, <<"ejabberd web presence module\nCopyright (c) 2006-2007 Igor Goryachev, 2007 Badlop, 2014 runcom <antonio.murdaca@gmail.com>">>}]
get_wp(LUser, LServer) ->
LUS = {LUser, LServer},
case catch mnesia:dirty_read(webpresence, LUS) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
try_auto_webpresence(LUser, LServer);
[] ->
try_auto_webpresence(LUser, LServer);
[WP] when is_record(WP, webpresence) ->
try_auto_webpresence(LUser, LServer) ->
From = jlib:make_jid(LUser, LServer, <<"">>),
case acl:match_rule(LServer, ?AUTO_ACL, From) of
deny ->
allow ->
#webpresence{us = {LUser, LServer},
ridurl = false,
jidurl = true,
xml = true,
avatar = true,
js = true,
text = true,
icon = <<"jsf-jabber-text">>}
get_status_weight(Show) ->
case Show of
<<"chat">> -> 0;
<<"available">> -> 1;
<<"away">> -> 2;
<<"xa">> -> 3;
<<"dnd">> -> 4;
_ -> 9
session_to_presence(#session{sid = {_, Pid}, priority = Priority}) ->
{_User, Resource, Show, Status} = ejabberd_c2s:get_presence(Pid),
#presence{resource = Resource,
show = Show,
priority = Priority,
status = Status}.
get_presences({bare, LUser, LServer}) ->
[session_to_presence(Session) ||
Session <- mnesia:dirty_index_read(session, {LUser, LServer}, #session.us)];
get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer}) ->
fun(A, B) ->
A#presence.priority == B#presence.priority ->
WA = get_status_weight(A#presence.show),
WB = get_status_weight(B#presence.show),
WA < WB;
true ->
A#presence.priority > B#presence.priority
get_presences({bare, LUser, LServer}));
get_presences({xml, LUser, LServer, Show_us}) ->
name = <<"presence">>,
attrs = case Show_us of
true -> [{<<"user">>, LUser}, {<<"server">>, LServer}];
false -> []
children = lists:map(
fun(Presence) ->
name = <<"resource">>,
attrs = [
{<<"name">>, Presence#presence.resource},
{<<"show">>, Presence#presence.show},
{<<"priority">>, iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(Presence#presence.priority))}
children = [{xmlcdata, Presence#presence.status}]
get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer})
get_presences({status, LUser, LServer, LResource}) ->
case get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer}) of
[] -> <<"unavailable">>;
Rs ->
{value, R} = lists:keysearch(LResource, 2, Rs),
R#presence.show %% TODO why was this "status"?!
get_presences({status, LUser, LServer}) ->
case get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer}) of
[Highest | _Rest] ->
Highest#presence.show; %% TODO why was this "status"?!
_ ->
get_presences({show, LUser, LServer, LResource}) ->
case get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer}) of
[] -> <<"unavailable">>;
Rs ->
{value, R} = lists:keysearch(LResource, 2, Rs),
get_presences({show, LUser, LServer}) ->
case get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer}) of
[Highest | _Rest] ->
_ ->
make_js(WP, Prs, Show_us, Lang, Q) ->
{User, Server} = WP#webpresence.us,
BaseURL = get_baseurl(Server),
US_string = case Show_us of
true ->
?BC([<<"var jabber_user='">>, User, <<"';\n">>, <<"var jabber_server='">>, Server, <<"';\n">>]); false -> <<"">>
FunImage = fun(I, S) ->
case I of
<<"---">> -> <<"">>;
Icon -> ?BC([<<" image:'">>, BaseURL, <<"image/">>, Icon, <<"/">>, S, <<"'\n">>])
R_string_list = case Prs of
[] ->
Show = <<"unavailable">>,
[?BC([<<"{show:'">>, Show, <<"',\n">>,
<<" long_show:'">>, long_show(Show, Lang), <<"',\n">>,
<<" status:'',\n">>, % TODO
FunImage(WP#webpresence.icon, Show),
_ -> lists:map(
fun(Pr) ->
Show = Pr#presence.show,
?BC([<<"{name:'">>, Pr#presence.resource, <<"',\n">>,
<<" priority:">>, intund2string(Pr#presence.priority), <<",\n">>,
<<" show:'">>, Show, <<"',\n">>,
<<" long_show:'">>, long_show(Show, Lang), <<"',\n">>,
<<" status:'">>, escape(Pr#presence.status), <<"',\n">>,
FunImage(WP#webpresence.icon, Show),
R_string = lists:foldl(
fun(RS, Res) ->
case Res of
<<"">> -> RS;
_ -> ?BC([Res, <<",\n">>, RS])
CB_string = case lists:keysearch(<<"cb">>, 1, Q) of
{value, {_, CB}} -> ?BC([<<" ">>, CB, <<"();">>]);
_ -> <<"">>
?BC([US_string, <<"var jabber_resources=[\n">>, R_string, <<"];">>, CB_string]).
long_show(<<"available">>, Lang) -> ?T(<<"available">>);
long_show(<<"chat">>, Lang) -> ?T(<<"free for chat">>);
long_show(<<"away">>, Lang) -> ?T(<<"away">>);
long_show(<<"xa">>, Lang) -> ?T(<<"extended away">>);
long_show(<<"dnd">>, Lang) -> ?T(<<"do not disturb">>);
long_show(_, Lang) -> ?T(<<"unavailable">>).
intund2string(undefined) -> <<"undefined">>;
intund2string(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Int)).
escape(S1) ->
S2 = re:replace(S1, "\'", "\\'", [global, {return, list}]),
re:replace(S2, "\n", "\\n", [global, {return, list}]).
get_baseurl(Host) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
Proc ! {tell_baseurl, self()},
{baseurl_is, BaseURL} -> BaseURL
-define(XML_HEADER, <<"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>">>).
get_pixmaps_directory() ->
[{directory, Path} | _] = ets:lookup(pixmaps_dirs, directory),
available_themes(list) ->
case file:list_dir(get_pixmaps_directory()) of
{ok, List} ->
L2 = lists:sort(List),
%% Remove from the list of themes the directories that start with a dot
[T || T <- L2, hd(T) =/= 46];
{error, _} ->
available_themes(xdata) ->
fun(Theme) ->
name = <<"option">>,
attrs = [{<<"label">>, iolist_to_binary(Theme)}],
children = [
name = <<"value">>,
attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, iolist_to_binary(Theme)}]
end, available_themes(list)).
show_presence({image_no_check, Theme, Pr}) ->
Dir = get_pixmaps_directory(),
Image = ?BC([Pr, <<".{gif,png,jpg}">>]),
[First | _Rest] = filelib:wildcard(binary_to_list(filename:join([Dir, Theme, Image]))),
Mime = string:substr(First, string:len(First) - 2, 3),
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(First),
{200, [{<<"Content-Type">>, ?BC([<<"image/">>, ?BC(Mime)])}], binary_to_list(Content)};
show_presence({image, WP, LUser, LServer}) ->
Icon = WP#webpresence.icon,
false = (<<"---">> == Icon),
Pr = get_presences({show, LUser, LServer}),
show_presence({image_no_check, Icon, Pr});
show_presence({image, WP, LUser, LServer, Theme}) ->
false = (<<"---">> == WP#webpresence.icon),
Pr = get_presences({show, LUser, LServer}),
show_presence({image_no_check, Theme, Pr});
show_presence({image_res, WP, LUser, LServer, LResource}) ->
Icon = WP#webpresence.icon,
false = (<<"---">> == Icon),
Pr = get_presences({show, LUser, LServer, LResource}),
show_presence({image_no_check, Icon, Pr});
show_presence({image_res, WP, LUser, LServer, Theme, LResource}) ->
false = (<<"---">> == WP#webpresence.icon),
Pr = get_presences({show, LUser, LServer, LResource}),
show_presence({image_no_check, Theme, Pr});
show_presence({xml, WP, LUser, LServer, Show_us}) ->
true = WP#webpresence.xml,
Presence_xml = fxml:element_to_binary(get_presences({xml, LUser, LServer, Show_us})),
{200, [{"Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"}], ?BC([?XML_HEADER, Presence_xml])};
show_presence({js, WP, LUser, LServer, Show_us, Lang, Q}) ->
true = WP#webpresence.js,
Prs = get_presences({sorted, LUser, LServer}),
Js = make_js(WP, Prs, Show_us, Lang, Q),
{200, [{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"}], Js};
show_presence({text, WP, LUser, LServer}) ->
true = WP#webpresence.text,
Presence_text = get_presences({status, LUser, LServer}),
{200, [{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"}], Presence_text};
show_presence({text, WP, LUser, LServer, LResource}) ->
true = WP#webpresence.text,
Presence_text = get_presences({status, LUser, LServer, LResource}),
{200, [{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"}], Presence_text};
show_presence({avatar, WP, LUser, LServer}) ->
true = WP#webpresence.avatar,
[{_, Module, Function, _Opts}] = ets:lookup(sm_iqtable, {?NS_VCARD, LServer}),
JID = jlib:make_jid(LUser, LServer, <<"">>),
IQ = #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD},
IQr = Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ),
[VCard] = IQr#iq.sub_el,
Mime = fxml:get_path_s(VCard, [{elem, <<"PHOTO">>}, {elem, <<"TYPE">>}, cdata]),
BinVal = fxml:get_path_s(VCard, [{elem, <<"PHOTO">>}, {elem, <<"BINVAL">>}, cdata]),
Photo = jlib:decode_base64(BinVal),
{200, [{"Content-Type", Mime}], Photo};
show_presence({image_example, Theme, Show}) ->
Dir = get_pixmaps_directory(),
Image = ?BC([Show, <<".{gif,png,jpg}">>]),
[First | _Rest] = filelib:wildcard(binary_to_list(filename:join([Dir, Theme, Image]))),
Mime = string:substr(First, string:len(First) - 2, 3),
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(First),
{200, [{<<"Content-Type">>, ?BC([<<"image/">>, ?BC(Mime)])}], binary_to_list(Content)}.
%% ---------------------
%% Web Publish
%% ---------------------
make_xhtml(Els) -> make_xhtml([], Els).
make_xhtml(Title, Els) ->
name = <<"html">>,
attrs = [
{<<"xmlns">>, <<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>},
{<<"xml:lang">>, <<"en">>},
{<<"lang">>, <<"en">>}
children = [
name = <<"head">>,
attrs = [],
children = [
name = <<"meta">>,
attrs = [
{<<"http-equiv">>, <<"Content-Type">>},
{<<"content">>, <<"text/html; charset=utf-8">>}
children = []
] ++ Title
name = <<"body">>,
attrs = [],
children = Els
themes_to_xhtml(Themes) ->
ShowL = ["available", "chat", "dnd", "away", "xa", "unavailable"],
THeadL = [""] ++ ShowL,
[?XAE(<<"table">>, [],
[?XE( <<"tr">>, [?XC(<<"th">>, ?BC(T)) || T <- THeadL])] ++
[?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XC(<<"td">>, ?BC(Theme)) |
[?XE(<<"td">>, [?XA(<<"img">>, [{<<"src">>, ?BC([<<"image/">>, ?BC(Theme), <<"/">>, ?BC(T)]) }])]) || T <- ShowL]
) || Theme <- Themes]
parse_lang(Lang) -> iolist_to_binary(hd(string:tokens(binary_to_list(Lang),"-"))).
process(LocalPath, Request) ->
case catch process2(LocalPath, Request) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?DEBUG("~p", [Request]),
?DEBUG("The call to path ~p in the~nrequest: ~p~ncrashed with error: ~p", [LocalPath, Request, Reason]),
{404, [], make_xhtml([?XC(<<"h1">>, <<"Not found">>)])};
Res ->
process2([], #request{lang = Lang1}) ->
Lang = parse_lang(Lang1),
Title = [?XC(<<"title">>, ?T(<<"Web Presence">>))],
Desc = [?XC(<<"p">>, ?BC([ ?T(<<"To publish your presence using this system you need a Jabber account in this Jabber server.">>), <<" ">>,
?T(<<"Login with a Jabber client, open the Service Discovery and register in Web Presence.">>),
?T(<<"You will receive a message with further instructions.">>)]))],
Link_themes = [?AC(<<"themes">>, ?T(<<"Icon Theme">>))],
Body = [?XC(<<"h1">>, ?T(<<"Web Presence">>))] ++ Desc ++ Link_themes,
make_xhtml(Title, Body);
process2([<<"themes">>], #request{lang = Lang1}) ->
Lang = parse_lang(Lang1),
Title = [?XC(<<"title">>, ?BC([?T(<<"Web Presence">>), <<" - ">>, ?T("Icon Theme")]))],
Themes = available_themes(list),
Icon_themes = themes_to_xhtml(Themes),
Body = [?XC(<<"h1">>, ?T(<<"Icon Theme">>))] ++ Icon_themes,
make_xhtml(Title, Body);
process2([<<"image">>, Theme, Show], #request{} = _Request) ->
Args = {image_example, Theme, Show},
process2([<<"jid">>, User, Server | Tail], Request) ->
serve_web_presence(jid, User, Server, Tail, Request);
process2([<<"rid">>, Rid | Tail], Request) ->
[Pr] = mnesia:dirty_index_read(webpresence, Rid, #webpresence.ridurl),
{User, Server} = Pr#webpresence.us,
serve_web_presence(rid, User, Server, Tail, Request);
%% Compatibility with old mod_presence
process2([User, Server | Tail], Request) ->
serve_web_presence(jid, User, Server, Tail, Request).
serve_web_presence(TypeURL, User, Server, Tail, #request{lang = Lang1, q = Q}) ->
LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
true = lists:member(Server, ?MYHOSTS),
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
WP = get_wp(LUser, LServer),
case TypeURL of
jid -> true = WP#webpresence.jidurl;
rid -> true = is_binary(WP#webpresence.ridurl)
Show_us = (TypeURL == jid),
Lang = parse_lang(Lang1),
Args = case Tail of
[<<"image">>, <<"theme">>, Theme, <<"res">>, Resource | _] ->
{image_res, WP, LUser, LServer, Theme, Resource};
[<<"image">>, <<"theme">>, Theme | _] ->
{image, WP, LUser, LServer, Theme};
[<<"image">>, <<"res">>, Resource | _] ->
{image_res, WP, LUser, LServer, Resource};
[<<"image">> | _] ->
{image, WP, LUser, LServer};
[<<"xml">>] ->
{xml, WP, LUser, LServer, Show_us};
[<<"js">>] ->
{js, WP, LUser, LServer, Show_us, Lang, Q};
[<<"text">>] ->
{text, WP, LUser, LServer};
[<<"text">>, <<"res">>, Resource] ->
{text, WP, LUser, LServer, Resource};
[<<"avatar">> | _] ->
{avatar, WP, LUser, LServer}
%%%% ---------------------
%%%% Web Admin
%%%% ---------------------
web_menu_host(Acc, _Host, Lang) ->
[{<<"webpresence">>, ?T(<<"Web Presence">>)} | Acc].
web_page_host(_, _Host,
#request{path = [<<"webpresence">>],
lang = Lang} = _Request) ->
Res = [?XCT(<<"h1">>, <<"Web Presence">>),
?XE(<<"ul">>, [
?LI([?ACT(<<"stats">>, <<"Statistics">>)]),
?LI([?ACT(<<"users">>, <<"Registered Users">>)])])],
{stop, Res};
web_page_host(_, Host,
#request{path = [<<"webpresence">>, <<"users">>],
lang = Lang} = _Request) ->
Users = get_users(Host),
Table = make_users_table(Users, Lang),
Res = [?XCT(<<"h1">>, <<"Web Presence">>),
?XCT(<<"h2">>, <<"Registered Users">>)] ++ Table,
{stop, Res};
web_page_host(_, Host,
#request{path = [<<"webpresence">>, <<"stats">>],
lang = Lang} = _Request) ->
Users = get_users(Host),
Res = [?XCT(<<"h1">>, <<"Web Presence">>),
?XCT(<<"h2">>, <<"Statistics">>)]
++ make_stats_options(Users, Lang)
++ make_stats_iconthemes(Users, Lang),
{stop, Res};
web_page_host(Acc, _, _) -> Acc.
get_users(Host) ->
Select = [{{webpresence, {'$1', Host}, '$2', '$3', '$4', '$5', '$6', '$7', '$8'}, [], ['$$']}],
mnesia:dirty_select(webpresence, Select).
make_users_table(Records, Lang) ->
TList = lists:map(
fun([User, RidUrl, JIDUrl, XML, Avatar, JS, Text, Icon]) ->
[?XE(<<"td">>, [?AC(?BC([<<"../user/">>, User, <<"/">>]), User)]),
?XC(<<"td">>, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(JIDUrl))),
?XC(<<"td">>, ridurl_out(RidUrl)),
?XC(<<"td">>, Icon),
?XC(<<"td">>, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(XML))),
?XC(<<"td">>, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(JS))),
?XC(<<"td">>, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Text))),
?XC(<<"td">>, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Avatar)))])
end, Records),
[?XCT(<<"td">>, <<"User">>),
?XCT(<<"td">>, <<"Jabber ID">>),
?XCT(<<"td">>, <<"Random ID">>),
?XCT(<<"td">>, <<"Icon Theme">>),
?XC(<<"td">>, <<"XML">>),
?XC(<<"td">>, <<"JS">>),
?XCT(<<"td">>, <<"Text">>),
?XCT(<<"td">>, <<"Avatar">>)
?XE(<<"tbody">>, TList)])].
make_stats_options(Records, Lang) ->
[RegUsers, JJ, RR, XX, AA, SS, TT, II] = lists:foldl(
fun([_User, RidUrl, JidUrl, XML, Avatar, JS, Text, Icon], [N, J, R, X, A, S, T, I]) ->
J2 = J + case JidUrl of false -> 0; true -> 1 end,
R2 = R + case RidUrl of false -> 0; _ -> 1 end,
X2 = X + case XML of false -> 0; true -> 1 end,
A2 = A + case Avatar of false -> 0; true -> 1 end,
S2 = S + case JS of false -> 0; true -> 1 end,
T2 = T + case Text of false -> 0; true -> 1 end,
I2 = I + case Icon of <<"---">> -> 0; _ -> 1 end,
[N+1, J2, R2, X2, A2, S2, T2, I2]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
URLTList = [{<<"Jabber ID">>, JJ}, {<<"Random ID">>, RR}],
OutputTList = [{<<"Icon Theme">>, II}, {<<"XML">>, XX}, {<<"JavaScript">>, SS}, {<<"Text">>, TT}, {<<"Avatar">>, AA}],
?C(?BC([<<"Registered Users">>, <<": ">>, iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(RegUsers))])),
?XCT(<<"h3">>, <<"URL Type">>),
?XAE(<<"table">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"stats">>}],
[?XE(<<"tbody">>, do_stat_table_with(URLTList, RegUsers))]
?XCT(<<"h3">>, <<"Output Type">>),
?XAE(<<"table">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"stats">>}],
[?XE(<<"tbody">>, do_stat_table_with(OutputTList, RegUsers))]
make_stats_iconthemes(Records, Lang) ->
Themes1 = [{T, 0} || T <- available_themes(list)],
Dict = lists:foldl(
fun([_, _, _, _, _, _, _, Icon], D) ->
dict:update_counter(Icon, 1, D)
Themes = lists:keysort(1, dict:to_list(Dict)),
[?XCT(<<"h3">>, <<"Icon Theme">>),
?XAE(<<"table">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"stats">>}],
[?XE(<<"tbody">>, do_stat_table_with(Themes))]
%% Do table with bars
do_stat_table_with(Values) ->
Ns = [Ni || {_, Ni} <- Values],
Total = lists:sum(Ns),
do_stat_table_with(Values, Total).
do_stat_table_with(Values, Total) ->
fun({L, N}) ->
Perc = case Total of
0 -> <<"0">>;
_ -> iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(trunc(100 * N / Total)))
do_table_element(?C(L), io_lib:format("~p", [N]), Perc)
do_table_element(L, [N], Perc) ->
[?XE(<<"td">>, [L]),
?XAC(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"alignright">>}], [N]),
[{<<"class">>, <<"graph">>}],
[{<<"class">>, <<"bar">>}, {<<"style">>, ?BC([<<"width: ">>, Perc, <<"%;">>])}],
?XAC(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"alignright">>}], [?BC([Perc, <<"%">>])])
?XAE(<<"style">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"text/css">>}],
[?C(<<".stats {
padding-left: 20px;
padding-top: 10px;
.graph {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid #D47911;
padding: 1px;
.graph .bar {
display: block;
position: relative;
background: #FFE3C9;
text-align: center;
color: #333;
height: 1.5em;
line-height: 1.5em;
.graph .bar span { position: absolute; left: 1em; }">>)]).
%%% Update table schema and content from older versions
update_table() ->
case catch mnesia:table_info(presence_registered, size) of
Size when is_integer(Size) -> catch migrate_data_mod_presence(Size);
_ -> ok
migrate_data_mod_presence(Size) ->
Migrate = fun(Old, S) ->
{presence_registered, {US, _Host}, XML, Icon} = Old,
New = #webpresence{us = US,
ridurl = false,
jidurl = true,
xml = list_to_atom(XML),
avatar = false,
js = false,
text = false,
icon = Icon},
F = fun() -> mnesia:foldl(Migrate, Size, presence_registered) end,
{atomic, 0} = mnesia:transaction(F),
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:delete_table(presence_registered).