%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_ecomm_test.erl %%% Author : Badlop %%% Purpose : Simple commands for testing %%% Created : 10 Aug 2008 by Badlop %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2008 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_ecomm_test). -author('badlop@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, %% Take: test arguments take_integer/1, take_string/1, take_integer_string/2, take_tuple_2integer/1, take_tuple_2string/1, take_list_integer/1, take_list_string/1, %% Echo: test arguments and result echo_integer/1, echo_string/1, echo_integer_string/2, echo_list_integer/1, echo_list_string/1, echo_integer_list_string/2, echo_isatils/4, %% Tell: test result tell_atom/1, tell_rescode/1, tell_restuple/1, tell_tuple_3integer/0, tell_tuple_3string/0, tell_tuple_3atom/0, tell_tuple_3list/0, tell_list_3integer/0, tell_list_3string/0, tell_list_3atom/0, tell_list_3tuple/0, %% Realistic this_crashes/1, this_wrong_args/1, this_wrong_return/0, pow/2, seq/2, substrs/1, splitjid/1, splitjids/1 ]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). start(_Host, _Opts) -> ejabberd_commands:register_commands(commands()). stop(_Host) -> ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(commands()). %%% %%% ejabberd commands %%% commands() -> [ #ejabberd_commands{name = take_integer, tags = [test], desc = "Take Integer in args, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_integer, args = [{thisinteger, integer}], result = {zero, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = take_string, tags = [test], desc = "Take String, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_string, args = [{thisstring, string}], result = {zero, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = take_integer_string, tags = [test], desc = "Take integer and string, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_integer_string, args = [{thisinteger, integer}, {thisstring, string}], result = {zero, integer}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = take_tuple_2integer, tags = [test], desc = "Take Tuple of two integers, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_tuple_2integer, args = [{thistuple, {tuple, [{thisinteger1, integer}, {thisinteger2, integer}]}}], result = {zero, integer}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = take_tuple_2string, tags = [test], desc = "Take Tuple of two strings, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_tuple_2string, args = [{thistuple, {tuple, [{thisstring1, string}, {thisstring2, string}]}}], result = {zero, integer}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = take_list_integer, tags = [test], desc = "Take List of integers, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_list_integer, args = [{thislist, {list, {thisinteger, integer}}}], result = {zero, integer}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = take_list_string, tags = [test], desc = "Take List of strings, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = take_list_string, args = [{thislist, {list, {thisstring, string}}}], result = {zero, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_integer, tags = [test], desc = "Echo Integer", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_integer, args = [{thisinteger, integer}], result = {thatinteger, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_string, tags = [test], desc = "Echo String", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_string, args = [{thisstring, string}], result = {thatstring, string}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_integer_string, tags = [test], desc = "Echo integer and string, in result as a tuple", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_integer_string, args = [{thisinteger, integer}, {thisstring, string}], result = {thistuple, {tuple, [{thisinteger, integer}, {thisstring, string}]}}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_list_integer, tags = [test], desc = "Echo List of integers", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_list_integer, args = [{thislist, {list, {thisinteger, integer}}}], result = {thatlist, {list, {thatinteger, integer}}}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_list_string, tags = [test], desc = "Echo List of strings", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_list_string, args = [{thislist, {list, {thisstring, string}}}], result = {thatlist, {list, {thatstring, string}}}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_integer_list_string, tags = [test], desc = "Echo an integer and List of strings", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_integer_list_string, args = [{thisinteger, integer}, {thislist, {list, {thisstring, string}}}], result = {thistuple, {tuple, [{thatinteger, integer}, {thatlist, {list, {thatstring, string}}}]}}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl #ejabberd_commands{name = echo_isatils, tags = [test], desc = "Echo integer, string, atom and tuple of integer and list of strings", module = ?MODULE, function = echo_isatils, args = [{thisinteger, integer}, {thisstring, string}, {thisatom, atom}, {thistuple, {tuple, [ {listlen, integer}, {thislist, {list, {contentstring, string}}} ]}} ], result = {results, {tuple, [{thatinteger, integer}, {thatstring, string}, {thatatom, atom}, {thattuple, {tuple, [ {listlen, integer}, {thatlist, {list, {contentstring, string}}} ]}} ]}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_atom, tags = [test], desc = "Tell Atom, give Integer zero", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_atom, args = [{thisinteger, integer}], result = {thisatom, atom}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_rescode, tags = [test], desc = "Tell rescode", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_rescode, args = [{thisinteger, integer}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_restuple, tags = [test], desc = "Tell restuple", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_restuple, args = [{thisinteger, integer}], result = {res, restuple}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_tuple_3integer, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a tuple with 3 integers", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_tuple_3integer, args = [], result = {thattuple, {tuple, [{first, integer}, {second, integer}, {third, integer}]}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_tuple_3string, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a tuple with 3 strings", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_tuple_3string, args = [], result = {thattuple, {tuple, [{first, string}, {second, string}, {third, string}]}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_tuple_3atom, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a tuple with 3 atoms", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_tuple_3atom, args = [], result = {thattuple, {tuple, [{first, atom}, {second, atom}, {third, atom}]}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_tuple_3list, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a tuple with 3 lists", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_tuple_3list, args = [], result = {thattuple, {tuple, [{first, {list, {thisinteger, integer}}}, {second, {list, {thisstring, string}}}, {third, {list, {thisatom, atom}}}]}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_list_3integer, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a list with 3 integers", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_list_3integer, args = [], result = {thatlist, {list, {thisinteger, integer}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_list_3string, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a list with 3 strings", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_list_3string, args = [], result = {thatlist, {list, {thisstring, string}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_list_3atom, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a list with 3 atoms", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_list_3atom, args = [], result = {thatlist, {list, {thisatom, atom}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = tell_list_3tuple, tags = [test], desc = "Tell a list with 3 tuples", module = ?MODULE, function = tell_list_3tuple, args = [], result = {thatlist, {list, {thistuple, {tuple, [{thisinteger, integer}, {thistring, string}, {thisatom, atom}]}}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = this_crashes, tags = [test], desc = "This command crashes: test+5", module = ?MODULE, function = this_crashes, args = [{aninteger, integer}], result = {result, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = this_wrong_args, tags = [test], desc = "This problematic command defines 2 arguments but function expects 1", module = ?MODULE, function = this_wrong_args, args = [{a, integer}, {b, integer}], result = {result, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = this_wrong_return, tags = [test], desc = "This problematic command doesn't give a proper return", module = ?MODULE, function = this_wrong_return, args = [], result = {result, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = pow, tags = [test], desc = "Return the power of base for exponent", longdesc = "This is an example command. The formula is:\n" " power = base ^ exponent", module = ?MODULE, function = pow, args = [{base, integer}, {exponent, integer}], result = {power, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = seq, tags = [test], desc = "Return list of integers between two integers", module = ?MODULE, function = seq, args = [{from, integer}, {to, integer}], result = {sequence, {list, {intermediate, integer}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = substrs, tags = [test], desc = "Return list of substrings of length increasing", module = ?MODULE, function = substrs, args = [{word, string}], result = {substrings, {list, {miniword, string}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = splitjid, tags = [test], desc = "Split JID in parts: user, server, resource", module = ?MODULE, function = splitjid, args = [{jid, string}], result = {jidparts, {tuple, [{user, string}, {server, string}, {resource, string}]}}}, %% Not supported by ejabberd_ctl because uses 'list' in the arguments #ejabberd_commands{name = splitjids, tags = [test], desc = "Split JIDs in parts: user, server, resource", module = ?MODULE, function = splitjids, args = [{jids, {list, {jid, string}}}], result = {jidsparts, {list, {jidparts, {tuple, [{user, string}, {server, string}, {resource, string}]}}}}} ]. %%% %%% Take %%% take_integer(A) when is_integer(A) -> 0. take_string(A) when is_list(A) -> 0. take_integer_string(A, B) when is_integer(A) and is_list(B) -> 0. take_tuple_2integer({A, B}) when is_integer(A) and is_integer(B) -> 0. take_tuple_2string({A, B}) when is_list(A) and is_list(B) -> 0. take_list_integer(L) when is_list(L) -> true = lists:all(fun(A) -> is_integer(A) end, L), 0. take_list_string(L) when is_list(L) -> true = lists:all(fun(A) -> is_list(A) end, L), 0. %%% %%% Echo %%% echo_integer(A) when is_integer(A) -> A. echo_string(A) when is_list(A) -> A. echo_integer_string(A, B) when is_integer(A) and is_list(B) -> {A, B}. echo_list_integer(L) when is_list(L) -> true = lists:all(fun(A) -> is_integer(A) end, L), L. echo_list_string(L) when is_list(L) -> true = lists:all(fun(A) -> is_list(A) end, L), L. echo_integer_list_string(I, L) when is_integer(I) and is_list(L) -> true = lists:all(fun(A) -> is_list(A) end, L), {I, L}. echo_isatils(I, S, A, {II, L}) when is_integer(I) and is_list(S) and is_atom(A) and is_integer(II) and is_list(L) -> true = lists:all(fun(SS) -> is_list(SS) end, L), {I, S, A, {I, L}}. %%% %%% Tell %%% tell_atom(0) -> zero; tell_atom(1) -> one; tell_atom(A) when is_integer(A) -> greater_than_one. tell_rescode(0) -> ok; tell_rescode(1) -> true; tell_rescode(2) -> error; tell_rescode(3) -> false; tell_rescode(4) -> whatever. tell_restuple(0) -> {ok, "All OK"}; tell_restuple(1) -> {true, "Successful result"}; tell_restuple(2) -> {error, "This is an error message"}. tell_tuple_3integer() -> {123, 456, 789}. tell_tuple_3string() -> {"Tell", "me", "a tuple please"}. tell_tuple_3atom() -> {ok, works, perfectly}. tell_tuple_3list() -> {[1, 23, 456], ["Tell", "me"], [all, is, ok]}. tell_list_3integer() -> [123, 456, 789]. tell_list_3string() -> ["Tell", "me", "a tuple please"]. tell_list_3atom() -> [ok, works, perfectly]. tell_list_3tuple() -> [{123, "abcdefghijkl", first}, {593, "this string", morning}, {999, "Sleeping dog", not_seen}]. %%% %%% Realistic %%% %% This function will crash for sure this_crashes(Integer) -> test + Integer. this_wrong_args(Integer) -> Integer + 1. this_wrong_return() -> "this is a string". pow(Base, Exponent) -> PowFloat = math:pow(Base, Exponent), round(PowFloat). seq(From, To) -> lists:seq(From, To). %% For "stick" returns: s st sti stic stick substrs(Word) -> Lengths = lists:seq(1, string:len(Word)), [string:substr(Word, 1, Length) || Length <- Lengths]. splitjid(String) -> JID = jlib:string_to_jid(String), {JID#jid.user, JID#jid.server, JID#jid.resource}. splitjids(Strings) -> [splitjid(String) || String <- Strings].