mod_muc_log_http - Serve MUC logs on the web Homepage: Author: Badlop Requirement: ejabberd SVN r1561, or ejabbed 2.1.0 when released DESCRIPTION =========== This module serves the directory containing MUC logs already configured on mod_muc_log. So, there's no need to setup a web server to allow your users to view the MUC logs. It is a small modification of mod_http_fileserver, customized for log serving. CONFIGURATION ============= If you want to compile this module with Erlang/OTP R11B-3 or older, edit Emakefile and remove this: {d, 'SSL39'}, Sample ejabberd.cfg options. The directory to serve is already defined on mod_muc_log. {listen, ... {5280, ejabberd_http, [http_poll, web_admin, {request_handlers, [ {["pub", "muclogs"], mod_muc_log_http} ] } ] } ... ]}. {modules, [ ... {mod_muc_log, [ {outdir, "/var/www/ejabberdlogs"} ]}, {mod_muc_log_http, []}, ... ]}. USAGE ===== With the example options, open your web browser at: http://server:5280/pub/muclogs/