An interface to fast FILE I/O It's based on an old and hacked version of the BSD FILE* To install, type make; make install and it shuld install itself as an app in your erlang dir. See the source src/bfile.erl for API Here's an example shell session: 2> bfile:load_driver(). ok 4> {ok, Fd} = bfile:fopen("Makefile", "r"). {ok,{bfile,#Port<0.98>}} 5> bfile:fgets(Fd). {line,<<10>>} 6> bfile:fgets(Fd). {line,<<10>>} 7> bfile:fgets(Fd). {line,<<97,108,108,58,32,10>>} 14> bfile:fread(Fd, 10000). {ok,<<10,10,105,110,115,116,97,108,108,58,32,97,108,108,10,9,40,99,100,32,99,95,115,114,99,59,32,...>>} 15> bfile:fread(Fd, 10000). eof