WARNING - We are still testing the system, that mean it may not work at all or work wrong or even lead to datalost. Use it at your own risk!"; $welcome_1[eng] = "Welcome to Jorge - message archives. Please login"; $login_w[eng] = "Login"; $passwd_w[eng] = "Password"; $login_act[eng] = "Sign in"; $devel_info[eng] = "Development version"; $activate_m[eng] = "Enable message archiving"; $ch_lan[eng] = "Change language to:"; $ch_lan2[eng] = "Zmień język na "; $lang_sw[eng] = "Polski"; $lang_sw2[eng] = "Angielski"; $header_l[eng] = "Message archives of server"; $menu_item_browser[eng] = "Browser"; $menu_item_map[eng] = "Chat Map"; $menu_item_fav[eng] = "Favorites"; $menu_item_search[eng] = "Search"; $menu_item_links[eng] = "MyLinks"; $menu_item_panel[eng] = "Control Panel"; $menu_item_contacts[eng] = "Contacts"; $menu_item_logs[eng] = "Logs"; $menu_item_trash[eng] = "Trash"; $filter_form[eng] = "Filter your contacts *"; $filter_form_tip[eng] = "Type contact name"; $filter_tip[eng] = "...and next select it from list, or search contact list by hand:"; $ff_notice[eng] = "This function work only in Firefox browser"; $search_box[eng] = "Search in archives"; $search_tip[eng] = "Displaying"; $search_why[eng] = " search results (not more then 100). Find out why"; $search_warn[eng] = "Warning: Showing results only from selected time range"; $all_for_u[eng] = "Show conversations with this user using: "; $all_for_u_m[eng] = "stream"; $all_for_u_m_d[eng] = "Show all conversations with this user as stream"; $all_for_u_m2[eng] = "map"; $all_for_u_m2_d[eng] = "Show all conversations with this user as chat map"; $all_for_u_t[eng] = "Show all chats from this user"; $arch_on[eng] = "Turn on archivization"; $arch_off[eng] = "Turn off archivization"; $log_out_b[eng] = "Sign out"; $archives_t[eng] = "Archive browser"; $main_date[eng] = "Date:"; $talks[eng] = "Conversation list:"; $thread[eng] = "Content:"; $time_t[eng] = "Time:"; $user_t[eng] = "User:"; $my_links_save[eng] = "MyLinks"; $my_links_desc_m[eng] = "MyLinks - Your links"; $my_links_desc_e[eng] = "Here you can find saved fragments of your chats"; $settings_desc[eng] = "Archive settings"; $settings_desc_detail[eng] = "The panel consist of options that let you control message archiving as well as options regarding your account"; $api_access_enable[eng] = "Enable API access for this account"; $api_access_disable[eng] = "Disable API access for this account"; $api_access_off[eng] = "API access is enabled for this account"; $api_access_learn[eng] = "Learn more about public API"; $print_t[eng] = "print"; $del_t[eng] = "delete"; $resource_only[eng] = "Show chat only with this resource"; $resource_warn[eng] = "Showing chat only with resource: "; $resource_discard[eng] = "Show "; $resource_discard2[eng] = "entire chat thread."; $del_all_conf[eng] = "You are about to delete all your message archives. Are you *really* sure?\\nWARNING: It would be impossible to recover your archives!"; $deleted_all[eng] = "All your message archive has been deleted"; $delete_nothing[eng] = "Your message archive is empty. Nothing was deleted"; $delete_error[eng] = "Ooops...There were errors during processing your request. Please try again later"; $search_w1[eng] = "Search string cannot be shorter than 3 and longer than 70 characters..."; $search_res[eng] = "Search results: "; $my_links_save_d[eng] = "Saving link. Fill the form below"; $my_links_optional[eng] = "Description (optional, max 120 characters)"; $my_links_chat[eng] = "Conversation with:"; $my_links_commit[eng] = "save"; $my_links_cancel[eng] = "cancel"; $my_links_link[eng] = "Link from day:"; $my_links_desc[eng] = "Description:"; $my_links_added[eng] = "Link succesfuly added!"; $my_links_back[eng] = "Back to chat"; $my_links_removed[eng] = "Link succesfuly deleted"; $my_links_none[eng] = "No decsription"; $status_msg1[eng] = "Message archiving is disabled by user"; $status_msg2[eng] = "Message archiving have beed enabled. Changes may take 10s"; $status_msg3[eng] = "Message archiving have beed disabled. Changes may take 10s"; $my_links_no_links[eng] = "You don't have any MyLinks saved..."; $quest1[eng] = "Found error? Fill bug report!"; $search1[eng] = "Search..."; $no_result[eng] = "No search results"; $settings_del[eng] = "Delete entire archive"; $del_conf[eng] = "Do you really want to delete this chat?"; $del_conf_my_link[eng] = "Do you really want to remove that link?"; $not_in_r[eng] = "Special contact"; $del_moved[eng] = "Conversation moved to trash."; $del_info[eng] = "Conversation have been deleted"; $undo_info[eng] = "Conversation restored succesfuly"; $del_my_link[eng] = "delete"; $help_but[eng] = "Help"; $tip_delete[eng] = "Delete this conversation"; $tip_export[eng] = "Export this conversation to text file"; $customize1[eng] = "Customize logging"; $from_u[eng] = "From: "; $to_u[eng] = "To: "; $search_next[eng] = "Next results..."; $search_prev[eng] = "Previous results..."; $change_pass[eng] = "Change password"; $no_contacts[eng] = "Your contacts list is currently empty"; $no_archives[eng] = "Currently you dont have any chats saved"; $con_tab1[eng] = "No."; $con_tab2[eng] = "Contact name"; $con_tab3[eng] = "JabberID"; $con_tab4[eng] = "Enable archiving"; $con_tab_act_y[eng] = "Yes"; $con_tab_act_n[eng] = "No"; $con_tab_submit[eng] = "Save changes"; $con_tab6[eng] = "Group"; $con_no_g[eng] = "No group"; $map_no_g[eng] = "no group"; $con_head[eng] = "Contacts managment"; $con_notice[eng] = "Notice: displaying only contacts with assigned nicknames."; $con_title[eng] = "Click on contact name to see conversation history"; $con_saved[eng] = "Changes have beed saved"; $help_notice[eng] = "Main topics"; $nx_dy[eng] = "Next day"; $no_more[eng] = "No more search results"; $in_min[eng] = "minutes"; $verb_h[eng] = "interruption in conversation lasting more than an hour"; $time_range_w[eng] = "Field \"From\" cannot be greater than field \"To\""; $time_range_from[eng] = "from"; $time_range_to[eng] = "to"; $export_link[eng] = "export"; $export_head1[eng] = "Exported chat between you and "; $export_head2[eng] = "performed on"; $help_search_tips[eng] ="

  • Search Tips
  • "; $help_my_links_note[eng] = "

  • MyLinks: overview.
  • "; $help_advanced_tips[eng] = "

  • How to search right
  • "; $admin_site_gen[eng] = "Site generated in:"; $logger_from_day[eng] = " from day: "; $logger_overview[eng] = "Activity logs on Jorge"; $logger_f1[eng] = "Event:"; $logger_f2[eng] = "Event date:"; $logger_f3[eng] = "Event level:"; $logger_f4[eng] = "Additional info:"; $logger_f_ip[eng] = "from IP address: "; $refresh[eng] = "Refresh"; $back_t[eng] = "Back to top of the page"; $trash_name[eng] = "Trash"; $trash_desc[eng] = "List of trashed conversations. Conversations that are left in trash are automaticly deleted after 30 days."; $trash_undel[eng] = "Restore"; $trash_vit[eng] = "View restored chat"; $trash_del[eng] = "Delete"; $trash_link[eng] = "Action"; $trash_empty[eng] = "Trash is empty"; $trash_recovered[eng] = "Conversation have been moved to archive"; $cal_head[eng] = "Chat calendar"; $cal_notice[eng] = "Click on days to see chats"; $change_view[eng] = "Switch to tree view"; $change_view_cal[eng] = "Browse archives using calendar view."; $months_names = array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); $weekdays = array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"); $jump_to_l[eng] = "Select month"; $chat_list_l[eng] = "Conversation list:"; $select_view[eng] = "Select prefered view for browser:"; $view_calendar[eng] = "Calendar view"; $view_standard[eng] = "Tree view"; $setting_d1[eng] = "Change global archivization policy:"; $setting_d2[eng] = "Delete entire message archive (cannot undo):"; $chat_map[eng] = "Chat map"; $chat_select[eng] = "Select contact to see chats"; $chat_m_select[eng] = "Pick a contact:"; $chat_c_list[eng] = "Contacts list"; $chat_no_chats[eng] = "There are no chats with selected contact"; $chat_map_back[eng] = "<<< Back to ChatMap"; $fav_back[eng] = "<<< Back to Favorites"; $myl_back[eng] = "<<< Back to MyLinks"; $sel_language[eng] = "Select prefered language"; $sel_client[eng] = "Launch Slimster"; $sel_yes[eng] = "Yes"; $sel_no[eng] = "No"; $jump_to_next[eng] = "Go to next conversation with this user"; $jump_to_prev[eng] = "Go to to previous conversation with this user"; $show_chats[eng] = "Show chat as"; $show_chat_stream[eng] = "stream"; $show_chat_as_map[eng] = "map"; $tip_next_m[eng] = "Go to next month"; $tip_prev_m[eng] = "Go to previous month"; $cal_days[eng]['1'] = "Mon"; $cal_days[eng]['2'] = "Tue"; $cal_days[eng]['3'] = "Wed"; $cal_days[eng]['4'] = "Thu"; $cal_days[eng]['5'] = "Fri"; $cal_days[eng]['6'] = "Sat"; $cal_days[eng]['7'] = "Sun"; $chat_lines[eng] = "Messages count: "; $del_time[eng] = "Deleted:"; $marked_as_d[eng] = "This chat is in trash. If you want to see it - restore it"; $stats_personal_d[eng] = "Personal statistics"; $stats_personal[eng] = "Your total number of messages in archiwe:"; $stats_personal_top[eng] = "Your top 10 chats:"; $stats_when[eng] = "When"; $stats_personal_count[eng] = "Messages count"; $stats_peer[eng] = "Talker"; $stats_see[eng] = "See this chat"; $stats_for[eng] = "Stats for: "; $stats_messages[eng] = "Messages logged by server: "; $stats_messages_b[eng] = " in "; $stats_messages_c[eng] = " conversations."; $stats_graph1[eng] = "Total number of users using message archiving (daily)"; $stats_graph2[eng] = "Messages logged by server (daily)"; $stats_graph3[eng] = "Messages logged (hourly)"; $stats_graph4[eng] = "Messages logged (weekly)"; $stats_top[eng] = "Longest conversations from last days:"; $stats_not_eno[eng] = "Not enought data to plot the graphs (30 days needed)"; $fav_main[eng] = "Favorites"; $fav_desc[eng] = "List of chats marked as favorites"; $fav_add[eng] = "Add conversation to favorites"; $fav_chat[eng] = "Conversation with: "; $fav_success[eng] = "Conversation has been succesfully added to your Favorites !"; $fav_discard[eng] = "Discard this message"; $fav_exist[eng] = "Ooops...This chat is already in your Favorites"; $fav_favorited[eng] = "This conversation is already added to favorites"; $fav_contact[eng] = "Conversation with:"; $fav_when[eng] = "When:"; $fav_comment[eng] = "Comment:"; $fav_nocomm[eng] = "No comment"; $fav_add_comment[eng] = "Add comment"; $fav_remove[eng] = "delete"; $fav_removed[eng] = "Conversation has been deleted from Favorites"; $fav_empty[eng] = "You dont have any Favorites chats saved"; $fav_error[eng] = "Oooups...There was a problem during processing your request"; $reset_sort[eng] = "reset sorting"; $cont_chat[eng] = "chat continues on next day >>>"; $cont_chat_p[eng] = "<<< this chat is continuation from last day"; $close_account[eng] = "Close your account:"; $close_info[eng] = "WARNING: during account removal also account on Google Apps will be removed!"; $close_warn[eng] = "Do you really want to remove all messages and user account?"; $close_commit[eng] = "- Close now -"; $close_failed[eng] = "Close account failed. Please try again later"; $oper_fail[eng] = "
    Operation failed! Please try again later or contact administrator!
    "; $go_to_jorge[eng] = "Go to Jorge main page"; $qlink_l[eng] = "Go to latest conversations"; $message_type_message[eng] = "Message"; $message_type_error[eng] = "Message have been marked as faulty, and probably was not delivered."; $message_type_headline[eng] = "Headline"; $muc_message[eng] = "System message:"; $spec_contact_enable[eng] = "Display special contact:"; $spec_contact_desc[eng] = "This option let you decide if conversations with special contacts like gateways, transports are displayed in your chat list. Most users can say No here."; $donate[eng] = "Help develop Project Jorge.Read More..."; $donate_dont[eng] = "Don't show this information anymore..."; $own_name_desc[eng] = "This option allows to display your name as you wish: f.e. james0021a is replaced with James"; $own_name_enter[eng] = "Enter your name:"; $own_name_commit[eng] = "Set your name"; $own_name_remove[eng] = "If you dont want to use this option, leave it unchanged"; $stats_vhost_select[eng] = "Select server for viewing its statistics: "; ?>