-module(mod_pottymouth). -behaviour(gen_mod). -include("logger.hrl"). -export([ start/2, stop/1, on_filter_packet/1, mod_opt_type/1 ]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -import(bloom_gen_server, [start/0, stop/0, member/1]). -import(nomalize_leet_gen_server, [normalize/1]). getMessageLang(Attrs) -> LangAttr = lists:keyfind(<<"lang">>, 1, Attrs), if LangAttr -> {<<"lang">>, LangBin} = LangAttr, Lang = list_to_atom(binary_to_list(LangBin)); true -> Lang = default end, Lang. censorWord({Lang, Word} = _MessageTerm) -> % we need unicode characters to normlize the word NormalizedWord = normalize_leet_gen_server:normalize({Lang, unicode:characters_to_list(list_to_binary(Word))}), % we need bytewise format for bloom lookup IsBadWord = bloom_gen_server:member({Lang, binary_to_list(unicode:characters_to_binary(NormalizedWord))}), if IsBadWord -> "****"; true -> Word end. filterWords(L) -> lists:map(fun censorWord/1, L). filterMessageText(MessageAttrs, MessageText) -> Lang = getMessageLang(MessageAttrs), % we want to token-ize utf8 'words' MessageWords = string:tokens(unicode:characters_to_list(MessageText, utf8), " "), MessageTerms = [{Lang, Word} || Word <- MessageWords], % we get back bytewise format terms (rather than utf8) list_to_binary(string:join(filterWords(MessageTerms), " ")). start(_Host, Opts) -> Blacklists = gen_mod:get_opt(blacklists, Opts, fun(A) -> A end, []), lists:map(fun bloom_gen_server:start/1, Blacklists), CharMaps = gen_mod:get_opt(charmaps, Opts, fun(A) -> A end, []), lists:map(fun normalize_leet_gen_server:start/1, CharMaps), ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 0), ok. stop(_Host) -> bloom_gen_server:stop(), normalize_leet_gen_server:stop(), ejabberd_hooks:delete(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 0), ok. on_filter_packet(drop) -> drop; on_filter_packet({_From, _To, {xmlel, <<"message">>, _Attrs, [_chatState, {xmlel, <<"body">>, BodyAttr, [{xmlcdata, MessageText}] = _BodyCData} = _MessageBody] = _Els} = _Packet} = _Msg) -> FilteredMessageWords = filterMessageText(BodyAttr, binary:bin_to_list(MessageText)), {_From, _To, {xmlel, <<"message">>, _Attrs, [_chatState, {xmlel, <<"body">>, BodyAttr, [{xmlcdata, FilteredMessageWords}]}]}}; on_filter_packet({_From, _To, {xmlel, <<"message">>, _Attrs, [{xmlel, <<"body">>, BodyAttr, [{xmlcdata, MessageText}] = _BodyCData} = _MessageBody] = _Els} = _Packet} = _Msg) -> FilteredMessageWords = filterMessageText(BodyAttr, binary:bin_to_list(MessageText)), {_From, _To, {xmlel, <<"message">>, _Attrs, [{xmlel, <<"body">>, BodyAttr, [{xmlcdata, FilteredMessageWords}]}]}}; on_filter_packet(Msg) -> % Handle the generic case (any packet that isn't a message with a body). Msg. mod_opt_type(blacklists) -> fun (A) when is_list(A) -> A end; mod_opt_type(charmaps) -> fun (A) when is_list(A) -> A end; mod_opt_type(_) -> [blacklists, charmaps].