%%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright (C) 1999-2013, Erlang Solutions Ltd %%% @author Oscar Hellström %%% @author Diana Parra Corbacho %%% @author Ramon Lastres Guerrero %%% @doc This module implements various library functions used in fusco %%% %%% @end %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(fusco_lib). -copyright("2013, Erlang Solutions Ltd."). -export([parse_url/1, format_request/6, header_value/2, update_cookies/2, delete_expired_cookies/2, to_lower/1, get_value/2, get_value/3, host_header/2, is_close/1, maybe_ipv6_enclose/1]). -include("fusco_types.hrl"). -include("fusco.hrl"). -define(HTTP_LINE_END, <<"\r\n">>). %%============================================================================== %% Exported functions %%============================================================================== %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @spec header_value(Header, Headers) -> undefined | term() %% Header = string() %% Headers = [{header(), term()}] %% Value = term() %% @doc %% Returns the value associated with the `Header' in `Headers'. %% `Header' must be a lowercase string, since every header is mangled to %% check the match. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec header_value(string(), headers()) -> undefined | term(). header_value(Hdr, Hdrs) -> %% TODO ensure headers and values are stripped case lists:keyfind(Hdr, 1, Hdrs) of false -> undefined; {Hdr, Value} -> Value end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @spec (URL) -> #fusco_url{} %% URL = string() %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec parse_url(string()) -> #fusco_url{}. parse_url(URL) -> % XXX This should be possible to do with the re module? {Scheme, CredsHostPortPath} = split_scheme(URL), {User, Passwd, HostPortPath} = split_credentials(CredsHostPortPath), {Host, PortPath} = split_host(HostPortPath, []), {Port, Path} = split_port(Scheme, PortPath, []), #fusco_url{host = fusco_lib:to_lower(Host), port = Port, path = Path, user = User, password = Passwd, is_ssl = (Scheme =:= https)}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @spec (Path, Method, Headers, Host, Body, Cookies) -> %% Request %% Path = iolist() %% Method = atom() | string() %% Headers = [{atom() | string(), string()}] %% Host = string() %% Body = iolist() %% Cookies = [#fusco_cookie{}] %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec format_request(iolist(), method(), headers(), string(), iolist(), {boolean(), [#fusco_cookie{}]}) -> {iodata(), iodata()}. format_request(Path, Method, Hdrs, Host, Body, Cookies) -> {AllHdrs, ConHdr} = add_mandatory_hdrs(Path, Hdrs, Host, Body, Cookies), {[Method, <<" ">>, Path, <<" HTTP/1.1">>, ?HTTP_LINE_END, AllHdrs, ?HTTP_LINE_END, Body], ConHdr}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc Updated the state of the cookies. after we receive a response. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec update_cookies(headers(), [#fusco_cookie{}]) -> [#fusco_cookie{}]. update_cookies([], []) -> []; update_cookies([], StateCookies) -> StateCookies; update_cookies(ReceivedCookies, []) -> ReceivedCookies; update_cookies(ReceivedCookies, StateCookies) -> %% substitute the cookies with the same name, add the others, delete. %% http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6265#section-4.1.2 %% If a user agent receives a Set-Cookie response header whose NAME is %% the same as a pre-existing cookie, and whose Domain and Path %% attribute values exactly (string) match those of a pre-existing %% cookie, the new cookie supersedes the old. lists:foldl(fun(NewCookie, Acc) -> OldCookie = lists:keyfind(NewCookie#fusco_cookie.name, #fusco_cookie.name, Acc), replace_or_add_cookie(OldCookie, NewCookie, Acc) end, StateCookies, ReceivedCookies). %% http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6265#section-4.1.2 replace_or_add_cookie(false, NewCookie, List) -> %% Add new cookie [NewCookie | List]; replace_or_add_cookie(#fusco_cookie{domain = Domain, path = Path}, #fusco_cookie{domain = Domain, path = Path} = NewCookie, List) -> %% Replace previous cookie lists:keystore(NewCookie#fusco_cookie.name, #fusco_cookie.name, List, NewCookie); replace_or_add_cookie(_, NewCookie, List) -> %% Add new cookie, path and/or domain are different [NewCookie | List]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Converts characters in a string ro lower case. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec to_lower(string()) -> string(). to_lower(String) when is_list(String) -> [char_to_lower(X) || X <- String]. bin_to_lower(Bin) -> << <<(char_to_lower(B))>> || <> <= Bin >>. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Compares header values to pre-defined values %% Faster than string:to_lower and then compare %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ is_close(<<"close">>) -> true; is_close(<<"Close">>) -> true; is_close(<<"keep-alive">>) -> false; is_close(<<"Keep-Alive">>) -> false; is_close(C) -> is_close(C, "close"). is_close(<>, [C | Rest2]) -> is_close(Rest1, Rest2); is_close(<>, [C2 | Rest2]) -> case close_to_lower(C1) == C2 of true -> is_close(Rest1, Rest2); false -> false end; is_close(<<>>, _) -> false; is_close(_, []) -> false. close_to_lower($C) -> $c; close_to_lower($L) -> $l; close_to_lower($O) -> $o; close_to_lower($S) -> $s; close_to_lower($E) -> $e; close_to_lower(C) -> C. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Gets value from tuple list %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec get_value(Key, List) -> term() when Key :: term(), List :: [term()]. get_value(Key, List) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of {Key, Value} -> Value; false -> undefined end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Gets value from tuple list. If it is not present, returns default value. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec get_value(Key, List, Default) -> term() when Key :: term(), List :: [term()], Default :: term(). get_value(Key, List, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of {Key, Value} -> Value; false -> Default end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc Delete the cookies that are expired (check max-age and expire fields). %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec delete_expired_cookies([#fusco_cookie{}], erlang:timestamp()) -> [#fusco_cookie{}]. delete_expired_cookies([], _InTimestamp) -> []; delete_expired_cookies(Cookies, InTimestamp) -> [ X || X <- Cookies, not expires(X, InTimestamp)]. %%============================================================================== %% Internal functions %%============================================================================== %% http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6265#section- %% The Max-Age attribute indicates the maximum lifetime of the cookie, %% represented as the number of seconds until the cookie expires. %% %% If a cookie has both the Max-Age and the Expires attribute, %% the Max-Age attribute has precedence and controls the expiration date of the %% cookie. If a cookie has neither the Max-Age nor the Expires attribute, %% the user agent will retain the cookie until "the current session is over" expires(#fusco_cookie{max_age = 0}, _) -> true; expires(#fusco_cookie{max_age = Max}, InTimestamp) when Max =/= undefined -> timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), InTimestamp) > Max; expires(#fusco_cookie{expires = Exp}, _) when Exp =/= undefined -> calendar:universal_time() > Exp; expires(_, _) -> false. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ split_scheme("http://" ++ HostPortPath) -> {http, HostPortPath}; split_scheme("https://" ++ HostPortPath) -> {https, HostPortPath}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ split_credentials(CredsHostPortPath) -> case string:tokens(CredsHostPortPath, "@") of [HostPortPath] -> {"", "", HostPortPath}; [Creds, HostPortPath] -> % RFC1738 (section 3.1) says: % "The user name (and password), if present, are followed by a % commercial at-sign "@". Within the user and password field, any ":", % "@", or "/" must be encoded." % The mentioned encoding is the "percent" encoding. case string:tokens(Creds, ":") of [User] -> % RFC1738 says ":password" is optional {http_uri:decode(User), "", HostPortPath}; [User, Passwd] -> {http_uri:decode(User), http_uri:decode(Passwd), HostPortPath} end end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec split_host(string(), string()) -> {string(), string()}. split_host("[" ++ Rest, []) -> % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets (RFC2732) case string:str(Rest, "]") of 0 -> split_host(Rest, "["); N -> {IPv6Address, "]" ++ PortPath0} = lists:split(N - 1, Rest), case PortPath0 of ":" ++ PortPath -> {IPv6Address, PortPath}; _ -> {IPv6Address, PortPath0} end end; split_host([$: | PortPath], Host) -> {lists:reverse(Host), PortPath}; split_host([$/ | _] = PortPath, Host) -> {lists:reverse(Host), PortPath}; split_host([$? | _] = Query, Host) -> %% The query string follows the hostname, without a slash. The %% path is empty, but for HTTP an empty path is equivalent to "/" %% (RFC 3986, section 6.2.3), so let's add the slash ourselves. {lists:reverse(Host), "/" ++ Query}; split_host([H | T], Host) -> split_host(T, [H | Host]); split_host([], Host) -> {lists:reverse(Host), []}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ split_port(http, [$/ | _] = Path, []) -> {80, Path}; split_port(https, [$/ | _] = Path, []) -> {443, Path}; split_port(http, [], []) -> {80, "/"}; split_port(https, [], []) -> {443, "/"}; split_port(_, [], Port) -> {list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Port)), "/"}; split_port(_,[$/ | _] = Path, Port) -> {list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Port)), Path}; split_port(Scheme, [P | T], Port) -> split_port(Scheme, T, [P | Port]). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec add_mandatory_hdrs(string(), headers(), host(), iolist(), {boolean(), [#fusco_cookie{}]}) -> {iodata(), iodata()}. add_mandatory_hdrs(_Path, Hdrs, Host, Body, {_, []}) -> add_headers(Hdrs, Body, Host, undefined, []); add_mandatory_hdrs(_Path, Hdrs, Host, Body, {false, _}) -> add_headers(Hdrs, Body, Host, undefined, []); add_mandatory_hdrs(Path, Hdrs, Host, Body, {true, Cookies}) -> Result = {ContentHdrs, ConHdr} = add_headers(Hdrs, Body, Host, undefined, []), %% http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6265#section- %% only include cookies if the cookie path is a prefix of the request path %% TODO optimize cookie handling case lists:filter( fun(#fusco_cookie{path_tokens = undefined}) -> true; (#fusco_cookie{path_tokens = CookiePath}) -> SubPath = binary:split(Path, <<"/">>, [global]), is_prefix(CookiePath, SubPath) end, Cookies) of [] -> Result; IncludeCookies -> {add_cookie_headers(ContentHdrs, IncludeCookies), ConHdr} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6265#section-4.2.1 add_cookie_headers(Hdrs, Cookies) -> [[<<"Cookie: ">>, make_cookie_string(Cookies, []), ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Hdrs]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ make_cookie_string([], Acc) -> Acc; make_cookie_string([Cookie | Rest], []) -> make_cookie_string(Rest, cookie_string(Cookie)); make_cookie_string([Cookie | Rest], Acc) -> make_cookie_string(Rest, [cookie_string(Cookie), "; " | Acc]). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cookie_string(#fusco_cookie{name = Name, value = Value}) -> [Name, <<"=">>, Value]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% Host header: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-14.23 %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ add_headers([{H, V} | T], undefined, undefined, Connection, Acc) when Connection =/= undefined -> add_headers(T, undefined, undefined, Connection, [[H, <<": ">>, V, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Acc]); add_headers([{H, V} | T], Body, Host, Connection, Acc) -> case bin_to_lower(H) of <<"connection">> -> add_headers(T, Body, Host, V, [[H, <<": ">>, V, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Acc]); <<"host">> -> add_headers(T, Body, undefined, Connection, [[H, <<": ">>, V, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Acc]); <<"content-length">> -> add_headers(T, undefined, Host, Connection, [[H, <<": ">>, V, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Acc]); _ -> add_headers(T, Body, Host, Connection, [[H, <<": ">>, V, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Acc]) end; add_headers([], undefined, Host, Connection, Headers) -> case Host of undefined -> {Headers, Connection}; _ -> {[[<<"Host: ">>, Host, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Headers], Connection} end; add_headers([], Body, Host, Connection, Headers) -> ContentLength = integer_to_list(iolist_size(Body)), case ContentLength > 0 of true -> add_headers([], undefined, Host, Connection, [[<<"Content-Length: ">>, ContentLength, ?HTTP_LINE_END] | Headers]); _ -> add_headers([], undefined, Host, Connection, Headers) end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec host_header(host(), port_num()) -> any(). host_header(Host, 80) -> maybe_ipv6_enclose(Host); % When proxying after an HTTP CONNECT session is established, squid doesn't % like the :443 suffix in the Host header. host_header(Host, 443) -> maybe_ipv6_enclose(Host); host_header(Host, Port) -> [maybe_ipv6_enclose(Host), $:, integer_to_list(Port)]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec maybe_ipv6_enclose(host()) -> host(). maybe_ipv6_enclose(Host) -> case inet_parse:address(Host) of {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} -> % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets (RFC2732) [$[, Host, $]]; _ -> Host end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @private %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char_to_lower($A) -> $a; char_to_lower($B) -> $b; char_to_lower($C) -> $c; char_to_lower($D) -> $d; char_to_lower($E) -> $e; char_to_lower($F) -> $f; char_to_lower($G) -> $g; char_to_lower($H) -> $h; char_to_lower($I) -> $i; char_to_lower($J) -> $j; char_to_lower($K) -> $k; char_to_lower($L) -> $l; char_to_lower($M) -> $m; char_to_lower($N) -> $n; char_to_lower($O) -> $o; char_to_lower($P) -> $p; char_to_lower($Q) -> $q; char_to_lower($R) -> $r; char_to_lower($S) -> $s; char_to_lower($T) -> $t; char_to_lower($U) -> $u; char_to_lower($V) -> $v; char_to_lower($W) -> $w; char_to_lower($X) -> $x; char_to_lower($Y) -> $y; char_to_lower($Z) -> $z; char_to_lower(Ch) -> Ch. is_prefix([<<>>], _) -> true; is_prefix([H | T1], [H | T2]) -> is_prefix(T1, T2); is_prefix([], _) -> true; is_prefix(_, []) -> false; is_prefix(_, _) -> false.