%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_muc_admin.erl %%% Author : Badlop %%% Purpose : Tools for additional MUC administration %%% Created : 8 Sep 2007 by Badlop %%% Id : $Id: mod_muc_admin.erl 1133 2012-10-17 22:13:06Z badlop $ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_muc_admin). -author('badlop@ono.com'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([ start/2, stop/1, % gen_mod API muc_online_rooms/1, muc_unregister_nick/1, create_room/3, destroy_room/3, create_rooms_file/1, destroy_rooms_file/1, rooms_unused_list/2, rooms_unused_destroy/2, get_room_occupants/2, get_room_occupants_number/2, send_direct_invitation/4, change_room_option/4, set_room_affiliation/4, get_room_affiliations/2, web_menu_main/2, web_page_main/2, % Web Admin API web_menu_host/3, web_page_host/3 ]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("mod_muc_room.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_web_admin.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). %% Copied from mod_muc/mod_muc.erl -record(muc_online_room, {name_host, pid}). %%---------------------------- %% gen_mod %%---------------------------- start(Host, _Opts) -> ejabberd_commands:register_commands(commands()), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_main, ?MODULE, web_menu_main, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_menu_host, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_main, ?MODULE, web_page_main, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_page_host, 50). stop(Host) -> ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(commands()), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_main, ?MODULE, web_menu_main, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_menu_host, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_main, ?MODULE, web_page_main, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, web_page_host, 50). %%% %%% Register commands %%% commands() -> [ #ejabberd_commands{name = muc_online_rooms, tags = [muc], desc = "List existing rooms ('global' to get all vhosts)", module = ?MODULE, function = muc_online_rooms, args = [{host, binary}], result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = muc_unregister_nick, tags = [muc], desc = "Unregister the nick in the MUC service", module = ?MODULE, function = muc_unregister_nick, args = [{nick, binary}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = create_room, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Create a MUC room name@service in host", module = ?MODULE, function = create_room, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {host, binary}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = destroy_room, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Destroy a MUC room", module = ?MODULE, function = destroy_room, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {host, binary}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = create_rooms_file, tags = [muc], desc = "Create the rooms indicated in file", module = ?MODULE, function = create_rooms_file, args = [{file, string}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = destroy_rooms_file, tags = [muc], desc = "Destroy the rooms indicated in file", module = ?MODULE, function = destroy_rooms_file, args = [{file, string}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = rooms_unused_list, tags = [muc], desc = "List the rooms that are unused for many days in host", module = ?MODULE, function = rooms_unused_list, args = [{host, binary}, {days, integer}], result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = rooms_unused_destroy, tags = [muc], desc = "Destroy the rooms that are unused for many days in host", module = ?MODULE, function = rooms_unused_destroy, args = [{host, binary}, {days, integer}], result = {rooms, {list, {room, string}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = get_room_occupants, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Get the list of occupants of a MUC room", module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_occupants, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}], result = {occupants, {list, {occupant, {tuple, [{jid, string}, {nick, string}, {role, string} ]}} }}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = get_room_occupants_number, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Get the number of occupants of a MUC room", module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_occupants_number, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}], result = {occupants, integer}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = send_direct_invitation, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Send a direct invitation to several destinations", longdesc = "Password and Message can also be: none. Users JIDs are separated with : ", module = ?MODULE, function = send_direct_invitation, args = [{room, binary}, {password, binary}, {reason, binary}, {users, string}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = change_room_option, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Change an option in a MUC room", module = ?MODULE, function = change_room_option, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {option, string}, {value, string}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = set_room_affiliation, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Change an affiliation in a MUC room", module = ?MODULE, function = set_room_affiliation, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}, {jid, binary}, {affiliation, string}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = get_room_affiliations, tags = [muc_room], desc = "Get the list of affiliations of a MUC room", module = ?MODULE, function = get_room_affiliations, args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary}], result = {affiliations, {list, {affiliation, {tuple, [{username, string}, {domain, string}, {affiliation, atom}, {reason, string} ]}} }}} ]. %%% %%% ejabberd commands %%% muc_online_rooms(ServerHost) -> MUCHost = find_host(ServerHost), Rooms = ets:tab2list(muc_online_room), lists:foldl( fun({_, {Roomname, Host}, _}, Results) -> case MUCHost of global -> [<> | Results]; Host -> [<> | Results]; _ -> Results end end, [], Rooms). muc_unregister_nick(Nick) -> F2 = fun(N) -> [{_,Key,_}] = mnesia:index_read(muc_registered, N, 3), mnesia:delete({muc_registered, Key}) end, case mnesia:transaction(F2, [Nick], 1) of {atomic, ok} -> ok; {aborted, _Error} -> error end. %%---------------------------- %% Ad-hoc commands %%---------------------------- %%---------------------------- %% Web Admin %%---------------------------- %%--------------- %% Web Admin Menu web_menu_main(Acc, Lang) -> Acc ++ [{<<"muc">>, ?T(<<"Multi-User Chat">>)}]. web_menu_host(Acc, _Host, Lang) -> Acc ++ [{<<"muc">>, ?T(<<"Multi-User Chat">>)}]. %%--------------- %% Web Admin Page -define(TDTD(L, N), ?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XCT(<<"td">>, L), ?XC(<<"td">>, jlib:integer_to_binary(N)) ])). web_page_main(_, #request{path=[<<"muc">>], lang = Lang} = _Request) -> Res = [?XC(<<"h1">>, <<"Multi-User Chat">>), ?XC(<<"h3">>, <<"Statistics">>), ?XAE(<<"table">>, [], [?XE(<<"tbody">>, [?TDTD(<<"Total rooms">>, ets:info(muc_online_room, size)), ?TDTD(<<"Permanent rooms">>, mnesia:table_info(muc_room, size)), ?TDTD(<<"Registered nicknames">>, mnesia:table_info(muc_registered, size)) ]) ]), ?XE(<<"ul">>, [?LI([?ACT(<<"rooms">>, <<"List of rooms">>)])]) ], {stop, Res}; web_page_main(_, #request{path=[<<"muc">>, <<"rooms">>], q = Q, lang = Lang} = _Request) -> Sort_query = get_sort_query(Q), Res = make_rooms_page(global, Lang, Sort_query), {stop, Res}; web_page_main(Acc, _) -> Acc. web_page_host(_, Host, #request{path = [<<"muc">>], q = Q, lang = Lang} = _Request) -> Sort_query = get_sort_query(Q), Res = make_rooms_page(find_host(Host), Lang, Sort_query), {stop, Res}; web_page_host(Acc, _, _) -> Acc. %% Returns: {normal | reverse, Integer} get_sort_query(Q) -> case catch get_sort_query2(Q) of {ok, Res} -> Res; _ -> {normal, 1} end. get_sort_query2(Q) -> {value, {_, String}} = lists:keysearch(<<"sort">>, 1, Q), Integer = list_to_integer(String), case Integer >= 0 of true -> {ok, {normal, Integer}}; false -> {ok, {reverse, abs(Integer)}} end. make_rooms_page(Host, Lang, {Sort_direction, Sort_column}) -> Rooms_names = get_rooms(Host), Rooms_infos = build_info_rooms(Rooms_names), Rooms_sorted = sort_rooms(Sort_direction, Sort_column, Rooms_infos), Rooms_prepared = prepare_rooms_infos(Rooms_sorted), TList = lists:map( fun(Room) -> ?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XC(<<"td">>, E) || E <- Room]) end, Rooms_prepared), Titles = [<<"Jabber ID">>, <<"# participants">>, <<"Last message">>, <<"Public">>, <<"Persistent">>, <<"Logging">>, <<"Just created">>, <<"Title">>], {Titles_TR, _} = lists:mapfoldl( fun(Title, Num_column) -> NCS = jlib:integer_to_binary(Num_column), TD = ?XE(<<"td">>, [?CT(Title), ?C(<<" ">>), ?ACT(<<"?sort=", NCS/binary>>, <<"<">>), ?C(<<" ">>), ?ACT(<<"?sort=-", NCS/binary>>, <<">">>)]), {TD, Num_column+1} end, 1, Titles), [?XC(<<"h1">>, <<"Multi-User Chat">>), ?XC(<<"h2">>, <<"Rooms">>), ?XE(<<"table">>, [?XE(<<"thead">>, [?XE(<<"tr">>, Titles_TR)] ), ?XE(<<"tbody">>, TList) ] ) ]. sort_rooms(Direction, Column, Rooms) -> Rooms2 = lists:keysort(Column, Rooms), case Direction of normal -> Rooms2; reverse -> lists:reverse(Rooms2) end. build_info_rooms(Rooms) -> [build_info_room(Room) || Room <- Rooms]. build_info_room({Name, Host, Pid}) -> C = get_room_config(Pid), Title = C#config.title, Public = C#config.public, Persistent = C#config.persistent, Logging = C#config.logging, S = get_room_state(Pid), Just_created = S#state.just_created, Num_participants = length(dict:fetch_keys(S#state.users)), History = (S#state.history)#lqueue.queue, Ts_last_message = case queue:is_empty(History) of true -> <<"A long time ago">>; false -> Last_message1 = queue:last(History), {_, _, _, Ts_last, _} = Last_message1, jlib:timestamp_to_iso(Ts_last) end, {<>, Num_participants, Ts_last_message, Public, Persistent, Logging, Just_created, Title}. prepare_rooms_infos(Rooms) -> [prepare_room_info(Room) || Room <- Rooms]. prepare_room_info(Room_info) -> {NameHost, Num_participants, Ts_last_message, Public, Persistent, Logging, Just_created, Title} = Room_info, [NameHost, jlib:integer_to_binary(Num_participants), Ts_last_message, jlib:atom_to_binary(Public), jlib:atom_to_binary(Persistent), jlib:atom_to_binary(Logging), jlib:atom_to_binary(Just_created), Title]. %%---------------------------- %% Create/Delete Room %%---------------------------- %% @spec (Name::binary(), Host::binary(), ServerHost::binary()) -> %% ok | error %% @doc Create a room immediately with the default options. create_room(Name, Host, ServerHost) -> %% Get the default room options from the muc configuration DefRoomOpts = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, default_room_options, fun(X) -> X end, []), %% Store the room on the server, it is not started yet though at this point mod_muc:store_room(ServerHost, Host, Name, DefRoomOpts), %% Get all remaining mod_muc parameters that might be utilized Access = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, access, fun(X) -> X end, all), AcCreate = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, access_create, fun(X) -> X end, all), AcAdmin = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, access_admin, fun(X) -> X end, none), AcPer = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, access_persistent, fun(X) -> X end, all), _PersistHistory = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, persist_history, fun(X) -> X end, false), HistorySize = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, history_size, fun(X) -> X end, 20), RoomShaper = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, room_shaper, fun(X) -> X end, none), %% If the room does not exist yet in the muc_online_room case mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Name, Host}) of [] -> %% Start the room {ok, Pid} = mod_muc_room:start( Host, ServerHost, {Access, AcCreate, AcAdmin, AcPer}, Name, HistorySize, RoomShaper, DefRoomOpts), {atomic, ok} = register_room(Host, Name, Pid), ok; _ -> error end. register_room(Host, Name, Pid) -> F = fun() -> mnesia:write(#muc_online_room{name_host = {Name, Host}, pid = Pid}) end, mnesia:transaction(F). %% Create the room only in the database. %% It is required to restart the MUC service for the room to appear. muc_create_room(ServerHost, {Name, Host, _}, DefRoomOpts) -> io:format("Creating room ~s@~s~n", [Name, Host]), mod_muc:store_room(ServerHost, Host, Name, DefRoomOpts). %% @spec (Name::binary(), Host::binary(), ServerHost::binary()) -> %% ok | {error, room_not_exists} %% @doc Destroy the room immediately. %% If the room has participants, they are not notified that the room was destroyed; %% they will notice when they try to chat and receive an error that the room doesn't exist. destroy_room(Name, Service, _Server) -> case mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Name, Service}) of [R] -> Pid = R#muc_online_room.pid, gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(Pid, destroy), ok; [] -> error end. destroy_room({N, H, SH}) -> io:format("Destroying room: ~s@~s - vhost: ~s~n", [N, H, SH]), destroy_room(N, H, SH). %%---------------------------- %% Destroy Rooms in File %%---------------------------- %% The format of the file is: one chatroom JID per line %% The file encoding must be UTF-8 destroy_rooms_file(Filename) -> {ok, F} = file:open(Filename, [read]), RJID = read_room(F), Rooms = read_rooms(F, RJID, []), file:close(F), [destroy_room(A) || A <- Rooms], ok. read_rooms(_F, eof, L) -> L; read_rooms(F, RJID, L) -> RJID2 = read_room(F), read_rooms(F, RJID2, [RJID | L]). read_room(F) -> case io:get_line(F, "") of eof -> eof; String -> case io_lib:fread("~s", String) of {ok, [RoomJID], _} -> split_roomjid(RoomJID); {error, What} -> io:format("Parse error: what: ~p~non the line: ~p~n~n", [What, String]) end end. %% This function is quite rudimentary %% and may not be accurate split_roomjid(RoomJID) -> [Name, Host] = string:tokens(RoomJID, "@"), [_MUC_service_name | ServerHostList] = string:tokens(Host, "."), ServerHost = join(ServerHostList, "."), {Name, Host, ServerHost}. %% This function is copied from string:join/2 in Erlang/OTP R12B-1 %% Note that string:join/2 is not implemented in Erlang/OTP R11B join([H|T], Sep) -> H ++ lists:concat([Sep ++ X || X <- T]). %%---------------------------- %% Create Rooms in File %%---------------------------- create_rooms_file(Filename) -> {ok, F} = file:open(Filename, [read]), RJID = read_room(F), Rooms = read_rooms(F, RJID, []), file:close(F), %% Read the default room options defined for the first virtual host DefRoomOpts = gen_mod:get_module_opt(?MYNAME, mod_muc, default_room_options, []), [muc_create_room(?MYNAME, A, DefRoomOpts) || A <- Rooms], ok. %%---------------------------- %% List/Delete Unused Rooms %%---------------------------- %%--------------- %% Control rooms_unused_list(Host, Days) -> rooms_unused_report(list, Host, Days). rooms_unused_destroy(Host, Days) -> rooms_unused_report(destroy, Host, Days). rooms_unused_report(Action, Host, Days) -> {NA, NP, RP} = muc_unused(Action, Host, Days), io:format("Unused rooms: ~p out of ~p~n", [NP, NA]), [[R, <<"@">>, H] || {R, H, _P} <- RP]. muc_unused(Action, ServerHost, Days) -> Host = find_host(ServerHost), muc_unused2(Action, ServerHost, Host, Days). muc_unused2(Action, ServerHost, Host, Last_allowed) -> %% Get all required info about all existing rooms Rooms_all = get_rooms(Host), %% Decide which ones pass the requirements Rooms_pass = decide_rooms(Rooms_all, Last_allowed), Num_rooms_all = length(Rooms_all), Num_rooms_pass = length(Rooms_pass), %% Perform the desired action for matching rooms act_on_rooms(Action, Rooms_pass, ServerHost), {Num_rooms_all, Num_rooms_pass, Rooms_pass}. %%--------------- %% Get info get_rooms(Host) -> Get_room_names = fun(Room_reg, Names) -> Pid = Room_reg#muc_online_room.pid, case {Host, Room_reg#muc_online_room.name_host} of {Host, {Name1, Host}} -> [{Name1, Host, Pid} | Names]; {global, {Name1, Host1}} -> [{Name1, Host1, Pid} | Names]; _ -> Names end end, ets:foldr(Get_room_names, [], muc_online_room). get_room_config(Room_pid) -> {ok, R} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Room_pid, get_config), R. get_room_state(Room_pid) -> {ok, R} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Room_pid, get_state), R. %%--------------- %% Decide decide_rooms(Rooms, Last_allowed) -> Decide = fun(R) -> decide_room(R, Last_allowed) end, lists:filter(Decide, Rooms). decide_room({_Room_name, _Host, Room_pid}, Last_allowed) -> C = get_room_config(Room_pid), Persistent = C#config.persistent, S = get_room_state(Room_pid), Just_created = S#state.just_created, Room_users = S#state.users, Num_users = length(?DICT:to_list(Room_users)), History = (S#state.history)#lqueue.queue, Ts_now = calendar:now_to_universal_time(now()), Ts_uptime = uptime_seconds(), {Has_hist, Last} = case queue:is_empty(History) of true -> {false, Ts_uptime}; false -> Last_message = queue:last(History), {_, _, _, Ts_last, _} = Last_message, Ts_diff = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Ts_now) - calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Ts_last), {true, Ts_diff} end, case {Persistent, Just_created, Num_users, Has_hist, seconds_to_days(Last)} of {_true, false, 0, _, Last_days} when Last_days >= Last_allowed -> true; _ -> false end. seconds_to_days(S) -> S div (60*60*24). %%--------------- %% Act act_on_rooms(Action, Rooms, ServerHost) -> ServerHosts = [ {A, find_host(A)} || A <- ?MYHOSTS ], Delete = fun({_N, H, _Pid} = Room) -> SH = case ServerHost of global -> find_serverhost(H, ServerHosts); O -> O end, act_on_room(Action, Room, SH) end, lists:foreach(Delete, Rooms). find_serverhost(Host, ServerHosts) -> {value, {ServerHost, Host}} = lists:keysearch(Host, 2, ServerHosts), ServerHost. act_on_room(destroy, {N, H, Pid}, SH) -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event( Pid, {destroy, <<"Room destroyed by rooms_unused_destroy.">>}), mod_muc:room_destroyed(H, N, Pid, SH), mod_muc:forget_room(SH, H, N); act_on_room(list, _, _) -> ok. %%---------------------------- %% Change Room Option %%---------------------------- get_room_occupants(Room, Host) -> case get_room_pid(Room, Host) of room_not_found -> throw({error, room_not_found}); Pid -> get_room_occupants(Pid) end. get_room_occupants(Pid) -> S = get_room_state(Pid), lists:map( fun({_LJID, Info}) -> {jlib:jid_to_string(Info#user.jid), Info#user.nick, atom_to_list(Info#user.role)} end, dict:to_list(S#state.users)). get_room_occupants_number(Room, Host) -> length(get_room_occupants(Room, Host)). %%---------------------------- %% Send Direct Invitation %%---------------------------- %% http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0249.html send_direct_invitation(RoomString, Password, Reason, UsersString) -> RoomJid = jlib:string_to_jid(RoomString), XmlEl = build_invitation(Password, Reason, RoomString), UsersStrings = get_users_to_invite(RoomJid, UsersString), [send_direct_invitation(RoomJid, jlib:string_to_jid(list_to_binary(UserStrings)), XmlEl) || UserStrings <- UsersStrings], timer:sleep(1000), ok. get_users_to_invite(RoomJid, UsersString) -> UsersStrings = string:tokens(UsersString, ":"), OccupantsTuples = get_room_occupants(RoomJid#jid.luser, RoomJid#jid.lserver), OccupantsJids = [jlib:string_to_jid(JidString) || {JidString, _Nick, _} <- OccupantsTuples], lists:filter( fun(UserString) -> UserJid = jlib:string_to_jid(list_to_binary(UserString)), %% [{"badlop@localhost/work","badlop","moderator"}] lists:all(fun(OccupantJid) -> UserJid#jid.luser /= OccupantJid#jid.luser orelse UserJid#jid.lserver /= OccupantJid#jid.lserver end, OccupantsJids) end, UsersStrings). build_invitation(Password, Reason, RoomString) -> PasswordAttrList = case Password of <<"none">> -> []; _ -> [{<<"password">>, Password}] end, ReasonAttrList = case Reason of <<"none">> -> []; _ -> [{<<"reason">>, Reason}] end, XAttrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_XCONFERENCE}, {<<"jid">>, RoomString}] ++ PasswordAttrList ++ ReasonAttrList, XEl = {xmlel, <<"x">>, XAttrs, []}, {xmlel, <<"message">>, [], [XEl]}. send_direct_invitation(FromJid, UserJid, XmlEl) -> ejabberd_router:route(FromJid, UserJid, XmlEl). %%---------------------------- %% Change Room Option %%---------------------------- %% @spec(Name::string(), Service::string(), Option::string(), Value) -> ok %% Value = atom() | integer() | string() %% @doc Change an option in an existing room. %% Requires the name of the room, the MUC service where it exists, %% the option to change (for example title or max_users), %% and the value to assign to the new option. %% For example: %% change_room_option("testroom", "conference.localhost", "title", "Test Room") change_room_option(Name, Service, Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) -> Pid = get_room_pid(Name, Service), {ok, _} = change_room_option(Pid, Option, Value), ok; change_room_option(Name, Service, OptionString, ValueString) -> Option = list_to_atom(OptionString), Value = case Option of title -> ValueString; description -> ValueString; password -> ValueString; max_users -> list_to_integer(ValueString); _ -> list_to_atom(ValueString) end, change_room_option(Name, Service, Option, Value). change_room_option(Pid, Option, Value) -> Config = get_room_config(Pid), Config2 = change_option(Option, Value, Config), gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {change_config, Config2}). %% @doc Get the Pid of an existing MUC room, or 'room_not_found'. get_room_pid(Name, Service) -> case mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Name, Service}) of [] -> room_not_found; [Room] -> Room#muc_online_room.pid end. %% It is required to put explicitely all the options because %% the record elements are replaced at compile time. %% So, this can't be parametrized. change_option(Option, Value, Config) -> case Option of allow_change_subj -> Config#config{allow_change_subj = Value}; allow_private_messages -> Config#config{allow_private_messages = Value}; allow_query_users -> Config#config{allow_query_users = Value}; allow_user_invites -> Config#config{allow_user_invites = Value}; anonymous -> Config#config{anonymous = Value}; logging -> Config#config{logging = Value}; max_users -> Config#config{max_users = Value}; members_by_default -> Config#config{members_by_default = Value}; members_only -> Config#config{members_only = Value}; moderated -> Config#config{moderated = Value}; password -> Config#config{password = Value}; password_protected -> Config#config{password_protected = Value}; persistent -> Config#config{persistent = Value}; public -> Config#config{public = Value}; public_list -> Config#config{public_list = Value}; title -> Config#config{title = Value} end. %%---------------------------- %% Get Room Affiliations %%---------------------------- %% @spec(Name::binary(), Service::binary()) -> %% [{JID::string(), Domain::string(), Role::string(), Reason::string()}] %% @doc Get the affiliations of the room Name@Service. get_room_affiliations(Name, Service) -> case mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Name, Service}) of [R] -> %% Get the PID of the online room, then request its state Pid = R#muc_online_room.pid, {ok, StateData} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, get_state), Affiliations = ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.affiliations), lists:map( fun({{Uname, Domain, _Res}, {Aff, Reason}}) when is_atom(Aff)-> {Uname, Domain, Aff, Reason}; ({{Uname, Domain, _Res}, Aff}) when is_atom(Aff)-> {Uname, Domain, Aff, <<>>} end, Affiliations); [] -> throw({error, "The room does not exist."}) end. %%---------------------------- %% Change Room Affiliation %%---------------------------- %% @spec(Name, Service, JID, AffiliationString) -> ok | {error, Error} %% Name = binary() %% Service = binary() %% JID = binary() %% AffiliationString = "outcast" | "none" | "member" | "admin" | "owner" %% @doc Set the affiliation of JID in the room Name@Service. %% If the affiliation is 'none', the action is to remove, %% In any other case the action will be to create the affiliation. set_room_affiliation(Name, Service, JID, AffiliationString) -> Affiliation = list_to_atom(AffiliationString), case mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Name, Service}) of [R] -> %% Get the PID for the online room so we can get the state of the room Pid = R#muc_online_room.pid, {ok, StateData} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, get_state), SJID = jlib:string_to_jid(JID), LJID = jlib:jid_remove_resource(jlib:jid_tolower(SJID)), Affiliations = change_affiliation(Affiliation, LJID, StateData#state.affiliations), Res = StateData#state{affiliations = Affiliations}, {ok, _State} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {change_state, Res}), mod_muc:store_room(Res#state.server_host, Res#state.host, Res#state.room, make_opts(Res)), ok; [] -> error end. change_affiliation(none, LJID, Affiliations) -> ?DICT:erase(LJID, Affiliations); change_affiliation(Affiliation, LJID, Affiliations) -> ?DICT:store(LJID, Affiliation, Affiliations). -define(MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(Opt), {Opt, Config#config.Opt}). make_opts(StateData) -> Config = StateData#state.config, [ ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(title), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_change_subj), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_query_users), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_private_messages), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(public), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(public_list), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(persistent), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(moderated), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(members_by_default), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(members_only), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(allow_user_invites), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(password_protected), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(password), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(anonymous), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(logging), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(max_users), {affiliations, ?DICT:to_list(StateData#state.affiliations)}, {subject, StateData#state.subject}, {subject_author, StateData#state.subject_author} ]. %%---------------------------- %% Utils %%---------------------------- uptime_seconds() -> trunc(element(1, erlang:statistics(wall_clock))/1000). find_host(global) -> global; find_host("global") -> global; find_host(<<"global">>) -> global; find_host(ServerHost) when is_list(ServerHost) -> find_host(list_to_binary(ServerHost)); find_host(ServerHost) -> gen_mod:get_module_opt_host(ServerHost, mod_muc, <<"conference.@HOST@">>).