mod_http_upload: Log message if URL looks wrong

Log an [info] message if a PUT request looks like the specified
"put_url" contains a path component that doesn't match the
"request_handlers" path, as in the following configuration:

      module: ejabberd_http
      port: 5444
        "/": mod_http_upload

      put_url: ""
This commit is contained in:
Holger Weiss 2015-11-11 22:51:40 +01:00
parent b6f5273228
commit f2f8fe25f7
1 changed files with 20 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -375,16 +375,16 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, #state{server_host = ServerHost} = State, _Extra) ->
-spec process([binary()], #request{})
-> {pos_integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()}.
process(LocalPath, #request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP,
data = Data}) ->
process([_UserDir, _RandDir, _FileName] = Slot,
#request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP, data = Data}) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, {use_slot, LocalPath}) of
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, {use_slot, Slot}) of
{ok, Size, Path, FileMode, DirMode, GetPrefix, Thumbnail}
when byte_size(Data) == Size ->
?DEBUG("Storing file from ~s for ~s: ~s",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Path]),
case store_file(Path, Data, FileMode, DirMode,
GetPrefix, LocalPath, Thumbnail) of
GetPrefix, Slot, Thumbnail) of
ok ->
http_response(Host, 201);
{ok, Headers, OutData} ->
@ -407,17 +407,17 @@ process(LocalPath, #request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP,
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
http_response(Host, 500)
process(LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
process([_UserDir, _RandDir, FileName] = Slot,
#request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
when Method == 'GET';
Method == 'HEAD' ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, get_docroot) of
{ok, DocRoot} ->
Path = str:join([DocRoot | LocalPath], <<$/>>),
Path = str:join([DocRoot | Slot], <<$/>>),
case file:read_file(Path) of
{ok, Data} ->
?INFO_MSG("Serving ~s to ~s", [Path, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP)]),
FileName = lists:last(LocalPath),
ContentType = guess_content_type(FileName),
Headers1 = case ContentType of
<<"image/", _SubType/binary>> -> [];
@ -451,6 +451,19 @@ process(LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
http_response(Host, 500)
process(LocalPath, #request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP})
when length(LocalPath) > 3 ->
?INFO_MSG("Rejecting PUT request from ~s for ~s: Too many path components",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
?INFO_MSG("Check whether 'request_handlers' path matches 'put_url'", []),
http_response(Host, 404);
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
when Method == 'PUT';
Method == 'GET';
Method == 'HEAD' ->
?DEBUG("Rejecting ~s request from ~s for ~s: Too few/many path components",
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
http_response(Host, 404);
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = 'OPTIONS', host = Host, ip = IP}) ->
?DEBUG("Responding to OPTIONS request from ~s for ~s",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),