mod_http_upload: Use full PUT URL for process name
Don't just use the "put_url" domain name, but also any path components of the specified URL, to generate a mod_http_upload process name. This way, a single domain name can be used for multiple virtual hosts by specifying a "put_url" such as "".
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ The configurable mod_http_upload options are:
This option specifies the initial part of the PUT URLs used for file
uploads. The keyword @HOST@ is replaced with the virtual host name.
NOTE: Different virtual hosts cannot use the same PUT URL domain.
NOTE: Different virtual hosts cannot use the same PUT URL.
- get_url (default: $put_url)
@ -375,9 +375,17 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, #state{server_host = ServerHost} = State, _Extra) ->
-spec process([binary()], #request{})
-> {pos_integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()}.
process([_UserDir, _RandDir, _FileName] = Slot,
#request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP, data = Data}) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
process(LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
when length(LocalPath) < 3,
Method == 'PUT' orelse
Method == 'GET' orelse
Method == 'HEAD' ->
?DEBUG("Rejecting ~s request from ~s for ~s: Too few path components",
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
http_response(Host, 404);
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP,
data = Data} = Request) ->
{Proc, Slot} = parse_http_request(Request),
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, {use_slot, Slot}) of
{ok, Size, Path, FileMode, DirMode, GetPrefix, Thumbnail}
when byte_size(Data) == Size ->
@ -407,11 +415,10 @@ process([_UserDir, _RandDir, _FileName] = Slot,
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
http_response(Host, 500)
process([_UserDir, _RandDir, FileName] = Slot,
#request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP} = Request)
when Method == 'GET';
Method == 'HEAD' ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
{Proc, [_UserDir, _RandDir, FileName] = Slot} = parse_http_request(Request),
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, get_docroot) of
{ok, DocRoot} ->
Path = str:join([DocRoot | Slot], <<$/>>),
@ -451,19 +458,6 @@ process([_UserDir, _RandDir, FileName] = Slot,
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
http_response(Host, 500)
process(LocalPath, #request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP})
when length(LocalPath) > 3 ->
?INFO_MSG("Rejecting PUT request from ~s for ~s: Too many path components",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
?INFO_MSG("Check whether 'request_handlers' path matches 'put_url'", []),
http_response(Host, 404);
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP})
when Method == 'PUT';
Method == 'GET';
Method == 'HEAD' ->
?DEBUG("Rejecting ~s request from ~s for ~s: Too few/many path components",
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
http_response(Host, 404);
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = 'OPTIONS', host = Host, ip = IP}) ->
?DEBUG("Responding to OPTIONS request from ~s for ~s",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
@ -486,10 +480,10 @@ get_proc_name(ServerHost, ModuleName) ->
(_) -> <<"http://@HOST@">>
[_, ProcHost | _] = binary:split(expand_host(PutURL, ServerHost),
[<<"http://">>, <<"https://">>,
<<":">>, <<"/">>], [global]),
gen_mod:get_module_proc(ProcHost, ModuleName).
{ok, {_Scheme, _UserInfo, Host, _Port, Path, _Query}} =
http_uri:parse(binary_to_list(expand_host(PutURL, ServerHost))),
ProcPrefix = list_to_binary(string:strip(Host ++ Path, right, $/)),
gen_mod:get_module_proc(ProcPrefix, ModuleName).
-spec expand_home(binary()) -> binary().
@ -751,6 +745,19 @@ iq_disco_info(Lang, Name) ->
%% HTTP request handling.
-spec parse_http_request(#request{}) -> {atom(), slot()}.
parse_http_request(#request{host = Host, path = Path}) ->
PrefixLength = length(Path) - 3,
{ProcURL, Slot} = if PrefixLength > 0 ->
Prefix = lists:sublist(Path, PrefixLength),
{str:join([Host | Prefix], $/),
lists:nthtail(PrefixLength, Path)};
true ->
{Host, Path}
{gen_mod:get_module_proc(ProcURL, ?PROCNAME), Slot}.
-spec store_file(binary(), binary(),
integer() | undefined,
integer() | undefined,
Reference in New Issue