mod_spam_filter: Check whether module is loaded

If the API commands are called with 'global' instead of a host name,
only run the command for those virtual hosts that actually have the
module loaded.
This commit is contained in:
Holger Weiss 2019-04-25 11:08:32 +02:00
parent 4476c95f14
commit cb0a14c89a
1 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ reopen_log() ->
lists:foreach(fun(Host) ->
Proc = get_proc_name(Host),
gen_server:cast(Proc, reopen_log)
end, ejabberd_config:get_myhosts()).
end, get_spam_filter_hosts()).
%% Internal functions.
@ -600,6 +600,10 @@ maybe_dump_spam(#message{to = #jid{lserver = LServer}} = Msg) ->
get_proc_name(Host) ->
gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE).
-spec get_spam_filter_hosts() -> [binary()].
get_spam_filter_hosts() ->
[H || H <- ejabberd_config:get_myhosts(), gen_mod:is_loaded(H, ?MODULE)].
-spec expand_host(binary() | none, binary()) -> binary() | none.
expand_host(none, _Host) ->
@ -706,7 +710,7 @@ get_commands_spec() ->
reload_spam_filter_files(<<"global">>) ->
try lists:foreach(fun(Host) ->
ok = reload_spam_filter_files(Host)
end, ejabberd_config:get_myhosts())
end, get_spam_filter_hosts())
catch error:{badmatch, {error, _Reason} = Error} ->
@ -748,7 +752,7 @@ get_spam_filter_cache(Host) ->
expire_spam_filter_cache(<<"global">>, Age) ->
try lists:foreach(fun(Host) ->
{ok, _} = expire_spam_filter_cache(Host, Age)
end, ejabberd_config:get_myhosts()) of
end, get_spam_filter_hosts()) of
ok ->
{ok, "Expired cache entries"}
catch error:{badmatch, {error, _Reason} = Error} ->
@ -770,7 +774,7 @@ expire_spam_filter_cache(Host, Age) ->
drop_from_spam_filter_cache(<<"global">>, JID) ->
try lists:foreach(fun(Host) ->
{ok, _} = drop_from_spam_filter_cache(Host, JID)
end, ejabberd_config:get_myhosts()) of
end, get_spam_filter_hosts()) of
ok ->
{ok, "Dropped " ++ binary_to_list(JID) ++ " from caches"}
catch error:{badmatch, {error, _Reason} = Error} ->