mod_http_upload: Use binary strings in most places

Switch to binary strings to fix a type issue, and for consistency.
This commit is contained in:
Holger Weiss 2015-11-02 23:46:31 +01:00
parent 5359525d3c
commit 9cd4e405c8
1 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
slots = dict:new() :: term()}). % dict:dict() requires Erlang 17.
{type :: string(),
{type :: binary(),
height :: integer(),
width :: integer()}).
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ iq_disco_info(Lang, Name) ->
%% HTTP request handling.
-spec store_file(file:filename_all(), binary(),
-spec store_file(binary(), binary(),
integer() | undefined,
integer() | undefined,
binary(), binary(), boolean())
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ code_to_message(_Code) -> <<"">>.
%% Image manipulation stuff
-spec identify(string()) -> {ok, media_info()} | {error, string()}.
-spec identify(binary()) -> {ok, media_info()} | {error, binary()}.
identify(Path) ->
Cmd = lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("identify -format \"ok %m %h %w\" ~s",
@ -864,15 +864,15 @@ identify(Path) ->
case string:tokens(Res, " ") of
["ok", T, H, W] ->
{ok, #media_info{
type = string:to_lower(T),
type = list_to_binary(string:to_lower(T)),
height = list_to_integer(H),
width = list_to_integer(W)}};
_ ->
?DEBUG("failed to identify type of ~s: ~s", [Path, Res]),
{error, Res}
{error, list_to_binary(Res)}
-spec convert(string(), media_info()) -> {ok, string()} | pass.
-spec convert(binary(), media_info()) -> {ok, binary()} | pass.
convert(Path, #media_info{type = T, width = W, height = H}) ->
if W*H >= 25000000 ->
@ -880,9 +880,9 @@ convert(Path, #media_info{type = T, width = W, height = H}) ->
(W =< 300) and (H =< 300) ->
{ok, Path};
T == "gif"; T == "jpeg"; T == "png"; T == "webp" ->
T == <<"gif">>; T == <<"jpeg">>; T == <<"png">>; T == <<"webp">> ->
Dir = filename:dirname(Path),
FileName = binary_to_list(randoms:get_string()) ++ "." ++ T,
FileName = <<(randoms:get_string())/binary, $., T/binary>>,
OutPath = filename:join(Dir, FileName),
Cmd = lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("convert -resize 300 ~s ~s",
[Path, OutPath])),
@ -899,10 +899,10 @@ convert(Path, #media_info{type = T, width = W, height = H}) ->
-spec thumb_el(string(), binary()) -> xmlel().
-spec thumb_el(binary(), binary()) -> xmlel().
thumb_el(Path, URI) ->
ContentType = guess_content_type(list_to_binary(Path)),
ContentType = guess_content_type(Path),
case identify(Path) of
{ok, #media_info{height = H, width = W}} ->
#xmlel{name = <<"thumbnail">>,